“Go Down the Drain” 「むだになる」
“the drain”は下水という意味ですので、「下水に流す」≒「無駄になる」という意図で使われています。
Masako: Hey Peter, I’m almost finished with that translation you needed for your client.
Peter: Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me! I got a call from them yesterday and there’s a little problem…
Masako: Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound good. What happened?
Peter: Unfortunately, they have decided to change the content of the document completely, and we’ll have to start over. I am really sorry!
Masako: Oh boy, looks like all my hard work just went down the drain!
Peter: I feel really bad about it. How about I treat you to lunch to make it up to you?
Masako: That sounds great, thanks!