
“cut to the chase”は、無駄な部分を省き、核心をつくことを指します。この表現は、無声映画でクライマックスになる前に車などの追跡(chase)シーンが必ず入ることから生まれたといわれており、
Miguel: Hey Charlotte, are you all ready for the client meeting today?
Charlotte: Yep! Did you prepare all the slides for the PowerPoint presentation?
Miguel: Sure did. And I edited out some of the less important slides since we’re meeting the CEO.
Charlotte: Good idea. CEOs are so busy that it’s always better to cut to the chase.
Miguel: Well, let’s hope that he is impressed with our offering. We spent a lot of time creating this special package!
Charlotte: I have a good feeling about our chances. This CEO is friends with our Marketing Director, so I think that special connection will help.
Miguel: Oh great! Well, let’s cross our fingers and hope for the best!