Human Resocia

Human Resocia
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About CareerCross

Since its inception as the first bilingual job site in Japan, we have been supporting bilingual professionals in their career change to global companies. We have about over 7,000 bilingual jobs and full of information on how to write an resume, sample audio interviews, and much more to help you succeed in your new job.

If you are thinking of changing jobs now or in the near future, please register with us. CareerCross is the place to find quality companies that will enhance your career.

Register in just 1 minute
After registering, you can apply to jobs.

After registering…

Secure privacy settings
You can control visibility of your profile and hide one from companies.

Finding jobs to apply
More than 7,000 bilingual jobs from global companies.

Receiving Scout mails
By making your profile visible, you will receive Scout Mail service.


QWhat determines being a business-level bilingual professional?
AThe definition of business level varies depending on the job, the environment, and the skills of your colleagues. If you are at a level where you can do your own work in multiple languages, say “business level” with confidence.
QDo I have to pay to use the service?
AUsing CareerCross is free of charge and includes everything from registration to scout mails, job applications and notifications of new job openings.
QIs there any support for profiles and interviews?
AOn our Career Advice page, you can find sample profiles for different job categories, as well as tips on how to write a profile.

Register in just 1 minute
After registering, you can apply to jobs.

CareerCross Co., Ltd.
Jinbocho Mitsui Bldg. 15F, 1-105 Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0051
Company details here
