“meat grinder”は直訳すると「肉挽き機」ですが、何かを壊すような酷い様子を指すときに、肉の塊をミンチにする様子から、このフレーズを使います。
破壊的な行為や、軍事行為を指すときにもしばしば用いられています。また”meat chopper”ともいいます。
Shun: Good afternoon Natsumi. I know I only sent it recently but have you seen that email I sent you at lunch?
Natsumi: No, I haven’t had a chance to read my emails yet. What is it?
Shun: Well, we only found one candidate for that network infrastructure role for our client. And it looks like he really wants to change his job.
Natsumi: Oh really, why does he want to change his job?
Shun: Well, his current company is really putting him through the meat grinder. He’s working until midnight every night and he can’t wait to leave.
Natsumi: Oh that sounds terrible.
Shun: I was thinking the same thing. I just hope our client wants to hire him.