“In A Nutshell” 「要するに」
“In A Nutshell”は「要約すると」や、「簡単にいうと」という意味で使われています。
Bobby: This new sales forecasting software is a bit confusing, isn’t it Tom?
Tom: It sure is! I am not used to it yet, so not sure what numbers to enter in each category.
Bobby: OK, I just read the manual and in a nutshell, it looks like we just put in our potential sales numbers for each week here.
Tom: Oh, I get it! Then it calculates an estimate of total sales for both Individuals and the Team by end of the month.
Bobby: Yep, that’s right. Not so difficult after all, and it will probably save us time too!
似たイディオムでは”in brief” などがありますが、要点をつかんで話すときは、
この”in a nutshell”で前置きすると、相手にとってその後の説明が頭に入りやすくなります。