採用企業 | 外資系消費財企業 |
勤務地 | 東京都 23区 |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 600万円 ~ 800万円 |
【求人No NJB2288019】
・ Ensure that financial information analysis and reporting is accurate timely reliable and relevant to assist Japan CFO and Japan team in effectively performing their responsibilities.
・ Manage financial and business performance by developing appropriate metrics on which to measure the Company's business monitoring variances to forecasts and developing action plans.
・ Analyse PL of each channel and maximize the investment effect.
・ Support the budget planning process and provide consistent and accurate financial forecasting.
・ Manage monthly yearly closing and control AP AR fixed asset loans and tax coordination.
・ Maintain internal control safeguards and coordinate audit activities.
・ Oversee all accounts ledgers and reporting systems ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
・ Maintain and streamline daily finance and accounting work and legal related work.
・ Effectively manage two subordinates who oversee AP AR and a part of General Affairs.
・ Develop subordinates by encouraging and motivating effectively and build a robust Finance team.
・ Clearly communicate the financial status to the head office and employees by providing effective reports and presentations.
職務経験 | 無し |
キャリアレベル | 中途経験者レベル |
英語レベル | ビジネス会話レベル |
日本語レベル | ネイティブ |
最終学歴 | 高等学校卒 |
現在のビザ | 日本での就労許可が必要です |
5年以上の財務経験(FP A等の分析業務を含む)
Key requirements / Minimum qualifications
・ Over 5 years of finance experience including analytical work (e.g. FP A) preferable in a Consumer Goods environment and foreign companies.
・ Strong analytical skills and ability to present the status assumptions and recommendations to various stakeholders with articulative communication.
・ Experience and knowledge in accounting. (CPA or related certificate is preferable not must)
・ Business level in English (Conversation email creating proposal materials).
・ Professional attitude
・ Strong Communication Skill
・ Good at logical and analytical thinking
・ Consumer oriented.
・Excellent Microsoft Office skills.
・Basic knowledge about ERP.
・Easy to adapt to other new IT tools.
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 600万円 ~ 800万円 |
勤務時間 | 09:30 ~ 18:30 |
休日・休暇 | 【有給休暇】有給休暇は入社時から付与されます 入社7ヶ月目には最低10日以上 【休日】完全週休二日制 土 日 祝日 *試用期間… |
業種 | アパレル・ファッション |
会社の種類 | 外資系企業 |