求人ID : 1525369 更新日 : 2025年03月10日

【英語を活かす】ファイナンスエンタープライズパートナー/ Finance Enterprise Partner

採用企業 世界的医療技術企業
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 800万円 ~ 1200万円


A multinational medical technology company is looking for a Finance Enterprise Partner. The chosen applicant will be responsible for providing financial insights and strategic planning for effective business decision making. This is a hybrid role.

An international manufacturer of equipment and research materials for medical applications. Headquartered in Europe, this company is a supplier to medical and scientific professionals across the globe.


金融, 会計, ファイナンシャルアナリスト, ヘルスケア, バイオテクノロジー, 製薬, 外資系

Job Ref: O7P1X9


  • Communicate with business colleagues to provide financial insights toward the company goal
  • Support business case development for new and existing business
  • Conduct profitability analysis and improvement proposals
  • Develop sales schemes and analytical tools
  • Work closely with business colleagues to ensure timely and transparent sales and profit forecasts
  • Report and propose to management for effective decision-making
  • Optimise budget control process in collaboration with other Finance teams and departments


  • More than 5 years of business finance or business analyst experience (FP&A, controller, finance business partner, management accounting)
  • Knowledge of finance equivalent to JCCI Bookkeeping Level 2+
  • Skilled in data analysis; MS Office and Google tools (Excel pivot tables, Tableau, Power BI, etc.)
  • Experience in project management, advanced analysis, and cross-functional business improvement activities is preferred
  • Experience with SAP (COPA module) is a plus
  • Possess a valid qualification in accounting or business (CPA, MBA) is advantageous
  • Native level Japanese; conversational level English


職務経験 無し
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 日常会話レベル
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 800万円 ~ 1200万円
勤務時間 お問い合わせください
休日・休暇 完全週休2日制, 土日祝日休み, 有給休暇
業種 医療機器


  • 経理・財務・内部監査 > 財務・コントローラー