求人ID : 1524890 更新日 : 2025年03月06日
ASUS JAPAN株式会社での募集です。 法人営業(その他)のご経験のある方…

【1200~2000万円】法人営業責任者 [B2B]Commercial Sales Lead

採用企業 ASUS JAPAN株式会社
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 1200万円 ~ 2000万円


【求人No NJB2209473】
【Business Development】
・develops a trusted advisor relationship to establish alignment with channel partners' senior decision makers.
・Leads collaboration with internal teams to support channel partners and leverage resources.
・Prioritizes selling Laptops desktops and All in one devices and services.
・Works with internal team members and external partners to develop business plans that generate revenue and margin.
・Manages and executes complex account plans to ensure sales goals.
・Creates and distributes internal reports.
・Reconciles partner reporting data tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) and drives actionable outcomes.
・Forecasts managed products and/or partner accounts.

【Relationship Building and Management】
・Leads collaboration with internal teams (e.g. sales FAE marketing CPM Admin) to support partners and leverage resources. Shares overall business plans with key partners and drives actions with internal teams.
・Actively participates and speaks at internal and external events and training by acting as a ASUS ambassador to grow a strong network and remain up to date on industry competitor and market trends. Serves as a resource to partners. Ensures learning from events are landed within their team and provides input and feedback to improve overall event strategy.
・To build up/train the team to manage/expand the channel partners and coverage.

【Account Management】
・Works with internal team and partners to develop joint business plans and convert market opportunities into concrete objectives.
・Develops short and long term goals budgets solution strategies and performance expectations that are aligned with partners' needs and capabilities and align short term plans with long term priorities. Advocates for the adoption of plans within partner organizations and creates mutual accountability between ASUS and partners.
・Manages and executes complex account plans to ensure ASUS and partner sales goals budgets and forecasts are on target. Coordinates with key accounts on plan execution.
・Creates and distributes internal reports to senior leaders that include detailed account updates metrics (e.g. leads frequency yield transaction size) and performance reviews to ensure revenue and activation targets are met. Evaluates the state of business and provides input on how accounts are performing.
・Forecasts managed products and/or partner accounts for their team to examine trends monitor progress and identify opportunities for growth. Addresses gaps for overall team accountability and aligns forecasts across the team.


職務経験 無し
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


<Required/Minimum Qualifications>
・7+ years commercial partner management sales business development platform ecosystem/network or partner channel development in the technology industry
・1+ year(s) experience with planning budgeting and other project management activities.
・A good understand of the PC IT industry (B to B business model)


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 1200万円 ~ 2000万円
勤務時間 09:30 ~ 18:30
休日・休暇 【有給休暇】初年度 10日 6か月目から 【休日】完全週休二日制 土 日 祝日 夏季休暇 年末年始 年末年始休暇 (8日間)・…
業種 ハードウエア


  • 営業系 > 法人営業
  • 営業系 > 営業企画


会社の種類 外資系企業