求人ID : 1524867 更新日 : 2025年03月06日
Global Business★Remote Work

Web Engineer (Backend Engineer/Server Side Engineer) [Linux]

採用企業 ⁑Planning, Development, and Operation of Internet Business⁑
勤務地 東京都 23区, 新宿区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 500万円 ~ 900万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制


【About the Company】

The company plans, develops and operates a social shopping site with over 8.5 million members (as of the end of January 2021) in 164 countries.
It is a marketplace where you can purchase fashion items from all over the world from personal shoppers (sellers) from all over the world. You can find items that are sold out or hard to find in Japan, brands that have not yet landed in Japan, and other products that are special and highly valuable to each customer. The English version of the site is steadily expanding its user base, especially in North America. We will continue to aim to become a marketplace that can be used by people around the world.

Job Description 

You will be in charge of developing new and existing functions for the company's services, with a focus on “BUYMA”.
You will be responsible for the entire system life cycle (design, development, testing, release, operation, defect handling, etc.).
In this position, you will develop in collaboration with the director, designers, and business team in order to achieve the business mission and solve the issues that the product has.

・Develop new features and improve existing features mainly using Ruby on Rails
(Some applications in Java, Python, and PHP may require modifications.)
・Design and develop system architecture considering performance, redundancy, maintainability, and ROI.
(This is an ideal environment for those who want to work on the entire project, including the architecture.)

【Project Examples】
Many projects are in progress, including improvement of existing functions, development of new functions, development of new services, API development, support for large-scale campaigns, and product image measures.

・Renewal of product detail pages and seller management screens
・Development of product search function using ChatGPT
・System integration with overseas stores to strengthen product assortment
・System integration with shipping companies and payment services to diversify delivery and payment methods
・Development of a catalog listing function that consolidates product images and product data
・Development of catalog display functions that consolidate product images and product data,

■Attractiveness of this position
・Data-driven development based on both seller and buyer data and user behavior is possible. In addition, you can directly feel the results of your project through numerical values (sales, CVR, etc.) and user feedback.

・Currently, BUYMA is largely a monolithic system, but is undergoing system modernization, including a shift to microservices. As BUYMA's service expands, traffic and data will continue to increase, so there is a lot of work to be done in addition to functional development, and you will be able to participate in a challenging project.

・For each project, a small team is formed by selecting members from each job category (marketing, engineers, directors, designers, etc.) as needed. Therefore, each member is given a great deal of discretion and can work with a sense of speed beyond the department. In addition, because there is active horizontal communication, there are many opportunities to deepen knowledge and perspectives other than engineering skills, such as planning and marketing.

■Development Environment and Team
・The entire Service Engineering Division, including those who participate as contractors, consists of approximately 60 people, divided into four sections (Infrastructure Group, Data Technology Group, Application Development Group, and Global Team).

・The development structure varies from team to team. Some teams are led by the director, while others are led solely by engineers. From the planning stage, you can be involved in the end-to-end development of web applications from the screen (other than design) to the DB, and can be involved in a wide range of tasks.

・The company engages in scrum development, and each team holds a morning meeting to share the day's work and issues they are facing, and at the end of each sprint, they review their work. Communication via slack is also very active, and development is carried out remotely as much as possible in an environment that is the same as when working at the office.

・The company encourages activities to improve technology, such as writing a tech blog, conducting in-house study sessions, and participating in technical conferences. There is also a support for external seminars.
*In-house study sessions (free participation) are held weekly, including in-house LT meetings and study sessions for young employees. For details, please refer to the company presentation materials.

■Technical Stack
Server Side:Ruby (Ruby on Rails), PHP (Zend Framework)
Some #Java and Python applications are also available.
Front-end: React/Redux, jQuery, Sass, Webpack, Storybook

Infrastructure: On-premise, AWS
DB: SQLServer, MySQL

Development environment: macOS, Docker
Project management: Redmine, Jira, GitLab, GitHub
Design: Figma, Photoshop
Communication: Slack, Zoom, esa

■Working Style (Remote Work)
The company encourages a work style that allows individuals and teams to perform better by combining remote and in-coming work.
Approximately 70% of the engineers work primarily remotely.
It is a culture where members can collaborate with each other even in a remote work environment and can work remotely in the same environment as when they come to the office.
*Fully remote work is available for consultation.


【Working conditions & treatment】

Flextime System

・Saturday/Sunday/National Holiday
・Annual Paid Leave
・New Year Holidays
・Congratulations & Condolence Leave
・Refresh Leave

・Commuting allowance
・Full social insurance
・Use of recreational facilities and sports facilities of Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association is available
・Subsidy system for babysitter use (for internal events)
※The following system is also available for engineers※
・Lending notebook PC of your choice when you join the company
・Lending of dual displays if desired
・Subsidy system for purchasing a smart phone

In-house system
・Award system (MVP, etc., for each personnel evaluation)
・Encouragement of seminar participation
・Overseas business trip system
・Book purchase subsidy system


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 無し
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可は必要ありません


・3+ years of experience in web application development and operation
・Knowledge and experience with Linux 
・Experience in DB design and class design

・Experience in developing and operating web applications in Ruby on Rails
・Experience in developing large-scale web services
・Experience with AWS and GCP
・Experience in load balancing and performance tuning

【Ideal Applicants】
・Feel satisfaction in solving problems and improving product development
・Good at coordinating and communicating with non-engineers
・Enjoy developing web services/smartphone applications
・Willing to improve their skills while engaging in friendly competition
・Those who check the latest technical information or transmit it on their own


  • 東京都 23区, 新宿区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 500万円 ~ 900万円
勤務時間 Flexime System
休日・休暇 Saturday/Sunday/National Holiday, Annual Paid Leave, etc.
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > システムアーキテクト
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > Webエンジニア