求人ID : 1524801 更新日 : 2025年03月19日

【英語を活かす】物流担当/ Logistics Staff

採用企業 国際消費財企業
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談


An international consumer goods company is looking for a Logistics Staff. The chosen applicant will be responsible for executing the daily pick & pack operation to meet the merchandising requirement by the estimated date.

One of the world's most renowned food brands that is well-loved by consumers around the world. Headquartered overseas, this company has a long history of producing a variety of delicious chocolates in elegant packaging.


ロジスティクス, サプライチェーン, オペレーション, 消費財, FMCG, 外資系

Job Ref: DLF4FT


  • Manage all Pick & Pack operation, build up procedure manual by each product, correct ingredient label, pick & pack operation cost, communicating with other teams
  • Handle daily ERP operation with timely and accurate manner
  • Support to develop a new product or new business flow (MCS, EC, )
  • Daily communication with supply chain staff, merchandisers, QA or RA staff, marketing staff and 3PL staff
  • Support the superior to plan mid- and long-term pick & pack strategy to meet merchandising inventory requirement
  • Manage pick & pack operation cost, clarify its cost structure and analyse it deeply
  • Execute continuous improvement for efficient process, cost optimisation and system enhancement
  • Set appropriate KPIs, monitor them and create reports


  • More than 3 years of experience in production or pick & pack operations; other logistics experience is a plus
  • Experience in the food or medical industry, handling products with shelf life
  • Experience using ERP or warehouse management systems (Microsoft Dynamics AX experience is desirable)
  • Skilled in MS Office
  • General knowledge of supply chain
  • Strong communication skills with all stakeholders
  • Experience with new warehouse projects or building pick & pack operations from scratch is a plus
  • Proficient in Japanese; business level reading and writing English (TOEIC 700+ or equivalent is preferred); speaking ability is a plus


職務経験 無し
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談
勤務時間 お問い合わせください
休日・休暇 完全週休2日制, 土日祝日休み, 有給休暇
業種 食品・飲料


  • SCM・ロジスティクス・物流・購買・貿易系 > 物流企画・ロジスティクス