求人ID : 1524064 更新日 : 2025年03月03日
Product Manager - E-Commerce Company

Product Manager - Retail Company

勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 紹介予定派遣
給与 700万円 ~ 1000万円


As a product manager, you will be in-charge of a product and manager user stories and requirement gatherings. This position will require you to work together with other product managers in the team, project managers and the developers.

Client Details

My client is one of the biggest Retail company, famous for its products not only in Japan but globally as well. The team that is hiring for this role is responsible for their eCommerce product and looking continuously improving its products to become the top retail company in the industry.


  • Leads without authority in the product development, strategy, and redesign from concept through development and manufacturing to market launch.
  • Develops products by identifying potential products, conducting market research, generating product requirements, and determining specifications, production timetables, and time-integrated plans for product introduction.
  • Determines customer's needs and desires by specifying the research needed to obtain market information.
  • Recommends the nature and scope of present and future product lines by reviewing product specifications and requirements.
  • Assesses market competition by comparing the company's product to competitor's products.
  • Brings new products to market by analysing proposed product requirements and product development programs, preparing return-on-investment analyses, and establishing time schedules with engineering and business units.
  • Works with marketing and sales departments to ensure product success and market growth.
  • Completes operational requirements and meets product development deadlines by scheduling and assigning employees, and following up on work results, including quality control and testing.
  • Identifies and manages new and existing product partnerships.

Job Offer

  • Hybrid working from home scheme
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner provided in the office
  • Attractive compensation and benefits
  • Great work life balance

To apply online please click the 'Apply' button below. For a confidential discussion about this role please contact Numan Azami on +813 6832 8952.


職務経験 1年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル 日常会話レベル
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


  • Product innovation and development track record
  • Able to conduct business in both English and Japanese (Business level above)
  • Customer focus
  • Understanding of the marketplace
  • Leadership and team management
  • Data analytic and metrics management skills
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Strong communication
  • Organisational, planning, and documentation skills
  • Ability to work on multiple projects in various stages simultaneously
  • Experience drafting Product and Market Requirements Documents
  • Familiarity with Agile work management and/or the ability to effectively communicate complex processes within and across teams
  • Experience with tools such as JIRA, Confluence, MIRO, Roadmunk, Slack, FIGMA, Microsoft Teams and Microsoft suit


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 紹介予定派遣
給与 700万円 ~ 1000万円
業種 小売


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > プロダクトマネージャー・スクラムプロダクトオーナー
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ビジネスアナリスト
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > プロジェクトマネージャー