求人ID : 1522484 更新日 : 2025年03月04日
Flextime & Remote Work Available

Product designer (UI/UX) for new financial products

採用企業 ★Token economy business using blockchain and generative AI techn
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1200万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制


【About the company ...】

The company is a Web3 startup that aims to create a fan economy with the mission of "advancing the times together with fans".
The company develops and provides a fan platform for the Web3 era that maximizes fan enthusiasm for major entertainment companies such as publishers, music labels, and game companies. They have raised 3.4 billion yen in Series B funding in 2022 and are actively recruiting.

The company uses the concept of a "Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)" as a guideline for organizational management.
Regardless of age, role, or position, members proactively make proposals and decisions.

The company aims to realize new entertainment experiences at the production level by utilizing generative AI technologies, such as Generative Agents and Entertainment IP's unique image generation.

Agile: To respond flexibly to areas of high uncertainty, we use Kanban to manage development autonomously by teams of engineers.


【 Job Description 】

The company is a Web3 startup with the mission of "advancing the times together with fans".
The company aims to realize a "Fan Nation," an economic zone where fans co-create with their "likes" and "passions" beyond national borders by utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and generative AI.

The company is currently developing and providing a fan community platform for major entertainment companies and operating a service for researching and developing new finance. They continue to take on global challenges by leveraging the strengths of Japan.

To realize this vision, the company is developing and offering a fan platform for the Web3 era.
The company is taking on the challenge of designing an experience that can become the next generation's de facto standard in new technological domains such as Web3, Metaverse, and GenerativeAI/Agent.

As a product designer, you will be responsible for the following tasks.

- Overall product design and creation of accompanying graphics
- Conducting discovery to verify the uncertainty of issues and user stories
- Solution formulation and incorporation into appropriate specifications based on a deep understanding of the issue and users
- Facilitate delivery in collaboration with PdM, engineers, and various stakeholders
- Build and operate infrastructure to optimize the organization's design process

In order to realize a superior user experience that is easier to use, it is essential to have designers who can lead the process from the identification of issues to the implementation of measures and delivery to users. The company is looking for people who can work together to create new designs for the Web3 era while collaborating with members of the development team in other fields.

■Tools / Development Environment
- Design
- Figma
- Adobe Creative Cloud
- Front End
- React
- Type Script
- Backlog Management
- Communication
- Slack, Notion, miro, Google Meet

■Team Characteristics
- The entire company can raise its own hand to change the existing structure and systems. There is a "culture of experimentation" that is flexible and positive toward new initiatives.
- The company places importance on the process of understanding users regardless of job functions, as it is necessary to understand the different fan bases/cultural spheres depending on the characteristics of the partner companies.
- There is a flat and friendly work environment with a healthy balance of competition and authority, including elections of team representatives and no evaluation system.

- You can take on the challenge of designing experiences that can become the de facto standard in new technological domains such as Web3 and Metaverse.
- You can be deeply involved in the development of services in collaboration with large IPs in a variety of tasks from user research to UI and creative production.
- You can be actively involved in improving the organization of your development team, the design organization, and the company as a whole.

- Mass adoption of Web3-like experiences and the creation of new fan experiences using NFT and the Metaverse
- Building a design system that allows everyone to design with the same standards and criteria



【 Working time 】

Flextime System

・Saturday/Sunday/National Holiday
・Annual Paid Leave
・New Year Holida
・Nursing Care Leave
・Congratulations & Condolence Leave

・Fully remote working in principle (with one day of work per month)
・2 days off per week, holidays off
・Annual paid vacation (10 days granted on the day of employment)
・Year-end and New Year vacations
・Condolence leave, nursing care leave

・Rent subsidy (for those within 3 km of the office or within 3 stations from Sasazuka or Daitabashi station): 10,000 yen if rent and common expenses are less than 70,000 yen, 20,000 yen if rent and common expenses are 70,000 yen or more
・Full subsidy for the purchase of books (including manga)
・Subsidy for participation in outside study groups and events
・Up to 20,000 yen per month for laundry, housekeeping, gym fees, etc., selected by each employee from among items specified by the company.
・Subsidy for Ethereum purchase
・Subsidy for remote work environment...up to 100,000 yen


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


- 3+ years of experience in mobile and web app design/operation at a business or production company
- Experience working with business teams and CS teams to drive projects forward
- Experience in taking ownership and moving projects forward
- Experience using Figma, Adobe CC, and Github
- Basic knowledge of web platforms (HTML/CSS markup)

*Please submit a portfolio showing your production achievements.

- Experience of launching a new business or being involved in a business as a lead designer
- Experience in building and operating design systems
- Knowledge and development experience of web front-ends
- Knowledge of community and entertainment IP, web3 (and related product development)
- Design experience in Fintech-related system development
- Business level English language skills
- Knowledge of UX design and experience in proactively leading UX design
- Experience of winning design awards for web and application design

Ideal Applicants
- Able to take responsibility for the experience through the interface and take a leadership role in the design process
- Able to communicate smoothly with members of various professions and explain the process to output in a logical manner
- Enjoys speed and changes in the environment, and can adapt flexibly
- Take responsibility for issues, think of reasons why something can be done, and promote development.
- Have the attitude to give feedback proactively and take it seriously.
- Has thoughts and episodes related to community, entertainment IP, and Web3



  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1200万円
勤務時間 Flextime
休日・休暇 Saturday/Sunday/National Holiday, Annual Paid Leave, etc.
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > システムアーキテクト
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > Webエンジニア