求人ID : 1522482 更新日 : 2025年03月04日
In-house Products/Hybrid Work

Back-end Engineer (drone operation application)

採用企業 ✳Drone Development✳
勤務地 千葉県
雇用形態 正社員
給与 500万円 ~ 1000万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制


【 About the company 】

▼About the Company
Established in 2016, the company develops small drones specialized in the indoor inspection field and provides inspection solutions. In the field of indoor industrial drones, which are considered more difficult to implement in terms of space and communication than outdoor drones, the company is growing rapidly by leveraging its advanced technological capabilities and providing integrated solutions that include the analysis of captured images.

1. Small drone designed and developed in-house
There are many narrow, dark, and dirty places where it is difficult for ordinary industrial drones to even enter to inspect infrastructure and other facilities. For several years, the company has specialized in research and development of small drones that can be used in such environments.

While weight and size are restricted to achieve miniaturization, the company develops not only the frame, but also the battery, propeller, motor, camera, and flight controller, which is the brain of the aircraft, in-house, so that it can flexibly respond to the challenges of each company.

Based on the philosophy of contributing to improved productivity and safety in the industrial world, the company verifies each technology and structure in detail, aiming to manufacture products that can withstand industrial applications.

2. Domestically manufactured drones
The company's drones are domestically produced drones manufactured in Japan. Currently, Chinese-made drones are far ahead in the drone market, both in terms of technology and production volume, and the company is committed to domestically produced drones in order to raise Japan's technological capabilities.

In September 2020, the government announced its intention to promote the use of drones with high security performance and the use of drones by companies with well-developed security systems, and similar moves are being seen in some private companies. The demand for domestic drone manufacturers is expected to further increase in the future, and the Company is already being evaluated and used by a major manufacturing company that is promoting the use of domestic manufacturers.

3. Providing consistent services that do not end with inspection but extend to video analysis and editing
The company also focuses on technologies for editing drone-captured images into 3D, point clouds, and panoramic (ortho) images, as well as technologies that utilize artificial intelligence (AI,) and its strength is its ability to provide solutions that combine the hardware technology of drone aircraft with the software technology of image analysis and editing.

In the future, the company is also looking to develop services that promote the centralized management of digital data collected by drones to support DX in the manufacturing industry.

▼ Mission
Creating a safe society for all

▼ Vision (2030)
Visualizing Invisible Risks


【 Job Description & Requirements 】

You will be responsible for defining requirements, preparing specifications, and managing outsourcing for an application that operates autonomous flight drones.
You will be responsible for raising improvements to the autonomous flight drone system currently under development, planning the development schedule, and performing consistent development work from research and development to product development.

Define requirements, prepare specifications, organize issues, and provide direction for drone operation system
Negotiate with subcontractors, affiliated companies, internal stakeholders, and end-users
Project management of drone operation system development
Development of applications for drone operation systems

【 Working conditions 】

・Annual holidays: 125 days
・Holiday/vacation type:Two days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays)
・Annual paid leave: 10 days (the minimum number of days is the number of days granted after six months of employment)
・Summer vacation, year-end and New Year vacations, congratulation or condolence leave 
*In accordance with the company calendar

Incentive: Stock option plan

Up to 30,000 yen per month

Depends on the company's regulations

Full coverage of social insurance

Attire: office casual
Lunch talk system (company pays for lunch communication once a month)



職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 無し
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可は必要ありません


Experience in development using cloud servers (Azure, AWS)
Experience with database implementation (mySQL, PostgreSQL)
5+ years of implementation experience using Python, .
Knowledge of virtualization (Docker)
Knowledge of security

Experience in application operation
Experience in developing applications to operate service robots and drones
Experience developing desktop applications
Experience in back-end development as a lead engineer


  • 千葉県


雇用形態 正社員
給与 500万円 ~ 1000万円
勤務時間 Discretionary Work System
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > 設計・開発エンジニア
  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > 生産技術・製造技術・エンジニアリング(機械・自動車)