求人ID : 1522475 更新日 : 2025年03月04日
★Training for Drone Dev★Work life-balanc

AI Engineer|✳Drone Development Company ✳

採用企業 ✳Robotics Solution Company (DRON Technology) ✳
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1100万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制


【 About the company 】

The company aims to create a future that supports society with drones. They provide companies and local governments with industrial robotics solutions utilizing industrial drones, such as equipment inspection, disaster countermeasures, security, and surveillance.

■ Excellent members
Experienced members with highly specialized skills participate in various backgrounds. The core of the company is to be able to share and embody the following three values:

■ Open communication
In our office, both officers and members sit on the same floor and seats. In the company, they communicate with each other in real and different departments and occupations by chat.

■ Latest technology
In order to address the pressing social issues, they use advanced robotics technologies, such as drones, to expand. A variety of approaches, including the latest technologies, are needed for this mission.
Machine learning, image recognition, image analysis, drones, ROS ... Currently, they are engaged in business related to such technologies, but they will develop services that utilize the latest technologies more widely and deeply in the future.

■ Customer First
In order to help its customers, we believe that it is meaningless to be “self” alone. In order to plan/develop/operate their services, they collect feedback from customers and provide daily feedback on their services.

■ Work as life
Both work and personal life are important, and their members are committed to their private time.

【What makes this company attractive?】

◆High skilled members

◆Latest Technology

【 Job Description & Requirements 】

【Recruitment Background】
The company is developing business applications that support socio-industrial infrastructure based on the SENSYN CORE platform. They are currently developing solutions utilizing AI technology. They are currently looking for someone who can work with the project manager on the technical side of new solution development, from overall design to implementation, testing, and operation.

【About the Team】
You will be part of a solutions group with approximately 60 engineers. Development is conducted in a matrix structure of multiple engineering teams and project/product teams. You will join an AI team in charge of image recognition and generative AI, and will work in a project-based team to develop and implement operations that reduce manpower by utilizing AI and robots for factory inspection work, etc.

Based on an understanding of the company's mission and business strategy, you will be responsible for the development and operation of products and services in collaboration with other internal departments and external partners.

The project you will be in charge of is the development of AI that is linked to web systems and mobile applications. You will be responsible for the development of AI for estimating abnormalities in equipment images and generating plans and construction drawings using the generated AI.

・ Maintenance and security management departments of major business companies (electricity / oil / coal products / steel / transportation / construction / communications, etc.), local governments, police, fire departments,etc.

【Business area】
They are working to develop products that will significantly improve inefficiencies in the following areas
・Equipment inspection
 Inspection of social infrastructure / large-scale factories/plants owned by major operating companies and local governments.
・Construction Management
 Automation of operations and advanced information management for construction site efficiency
・Disaster measures
 Quick evacuation confirmation and evacuation PR without human intervention in case of a large-scale disaster
・Security monitoring
Extensive 24-hour security in factories/warehouses / bay ports

【 Working conditions 】

・Base salary revision twice a year
・Corporate defined contribution pension plan
・Commuting allowance All actual expenses paid according to regulations (upper limit: 30,000 yen/month)
・Housing allowance (optional with commuting allowance) *Monthly payment of the amount specified below for those living in the areas specified in our company's regulations.
 -30,000 yen or 50,000 yen depending on the grade
・Social insurance (worker's accident compensation, employment, health, and welfare pension)

・Telework available *Recommended from April 2020
・Various systems for pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and nursing care (beyond legal standards)
・Water server
・Casual clothes OK (*Formal suits may be worn depending on the job).
・Company get-together about once a month (also serves as a welcome and farewell party)

・127 days off per year
・2 days off per week (Sat. and Sun.), national holidays
・Year-end and New Year vacations
・Summer vacation (3 days granted to employees enrolled in July/usually every year)
・Paid vacation (10 days granted after 3-month probationary period in the first year) *Advance borrowing allowed during probationary period
・Celebration or condolence leave



職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可は必要ありません


3+ years of experience as a lead engineer/project leader in an operating company and one or more of the following skills
・Training and inference of machine learning models using pytorch and tensor flow
・Source code management using git
・Image analysis using OpenCV
・Development and use of development and execution environments using Docker
・Japanese: Business level~ (all internal communications, documents, and customer support will be in Japanese)

・Experience presenting at international conferences
・Work experience as a web/mobile engineer OR robotics engineer
・Experience in Agile development (Scrum development, etc.)
・Experience in CI/CD development

・English: Business level~

【Ideal Applicants】
・Empathy with the following Mission and Values
・Have leadership skills to involve others and commit to results
・Have a broad interest in new things and explore them deeply
・Have a positive attitude and do not hesitate to take on challenges
・Able to proactively propose improvements and disseminate information

■ Mission: Oath/ Mission
Evolving the "obvious" of society with the power of robotics

■ Value: Values ​​and standards of conduct
1. Safety First – Safety comes first
Providing services to customers with safety first
As a member of a company that provides safe and secure solutions, nurture reliable services that will stay close to customers over the long term

2.Think & Hack – Think, Transform
To continue to provide the best solutions, continue to be an organization that seriously considers using robotics to confront social issues and make changes

3.Empower People – For People, For Society
"Solve pressing social issues" We believe that company's power and the power of our team can move society


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1100万円
勤務時間 Flextime ( Core time :11:00~16:00 )
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > 設計・開発エンジニア
  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > 生産技術・製造技術・エンジニアリング(機械・自動車)