求人ID : 1521736 更新日 : 2025年03月11日

PR/117822 | Accountant (Japanese Speaking)

勤務地 イギリス, London
雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談




In office around 3 days a week 

Salary: around 35K-45K pounds (negotiable) 

Location: West of London


Preferable to have management accounts or financial accounts qualification, or certainly be “qualified by experience”


At least 5 years + experience working in industry, manufacturing experience a plus Strong communication skills / good cross business communicator


SAP / SAP by Design experience


Analytical skills/ attention to detail/ inquisitive and prepared to challenge numbers that aren’t as expected


Can work independently whilst also having the inertia to seek answers as and when required and work across various teams (ie purchasing and sales admin), keen to take responsibility of own area and always be best version of themselves undertaking this role (ie high personal standards)


Good Microsoft suite skills especially excel but don’t need to be higher level user


Good to have budgeting experience to assist HOF in this area plus cash flow knowledge / input


Awareness of statutory reporting under FRS102 would be a nice to have but HOF leads on this and audit lead is HOF this role is a supporting one




Can work independently to :-


a) Perform weekly bank postings / reconciliations into SAP on multi currency bank accounts in


SAP – including then the allocation for receipts and payments to debtors/creditors. Currently weekly excel files pulled through.


b) Post manual invoices in SAP against PO’s and direct postings, oftenrequiring input from purchasing / stock team.


c) Responsibility for monthly accruals/prepayment postings and calculations including liaison with Head of Finance as required


d) Run critical Month end routines in SAP as required ie inc GR/IR clearing, WIP clearing,revenue recognition, posting right of use asset journals, review of stock month end entries affecting COS area in accounts and highlighting any areas of concern eg stock gains /losses reporting


e) Downloading monthly financial reports reporting against budget and prior year for Head of Finance to analyse and report to board. Initial analytical work is responsibility of management accountant


f) Send weekly payment run information to HOF for approval and then setup of weekly payments in the bank accounts (GBP USD and Euro)


g) Provide daily as required updates to sales admin team of cash receipts in for customers in order to release product orders


h) Send monthly payroll information to offsite accountants/payroll processors having obtained updates from HR that are relevant to payroll processing (ie leavers/joiners/pay updates), setup of HMRC payment due following payroll and process of payroll journal information


i) Upload Scottish widows pension info into portal for salary sacrifice scheme


j) Process VAT returns in SAP (includes sending off digitally within SAP to HMRC) with HOF being advised and checking on HMRC portal successful load


k) Backup information required for local UK audit and taxation/ internal audit from HQ/ final audit


for HQ and interim reporting (as HQ are on Japanese stock exchange and report publicly quarterly) accuracy is paramount


l) Assist HOF with building better reports from SAP to assist various teams within the business ie sales reporting and R&D / Project accounting


General ad hoc duties as required by the Head of Finance. MUST be able to work to tight deadlines. Work is also required on a regular basis sent through from Japanese HQ accountant. Reports need to be loaded into HQ file area on monthly / quarterly/ six monthly and annual basis attention to detail on these are paramount. Regular email contact with HQ is received. This HQ work is done via HOF supervision / input / discussion with HQ. 


Language: English fluent, Japanese fluent


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 短大卒: 準学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可は必要ありません


  • イギリス, London


雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談
業種 その他(メーカー)


  • その他 > その他