求人ID : 1505757 更新日 : 2025年02月28日
Utilize your transltaing experience!

【Editor/Translation Director】 Full Remote & Super Flextime

採用企業 株式会社アブラカダブラ
勤務地 東京都 23区, 豊島区
雇用形態 契約
給与 300万円 ~ 450万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 服装カジュアル 副業OK 残業少なめ フレックスタイム制


Job Details: Highlights of This Position

  • Language Skills: Utilize Japanese & English for translation and project direction.
  • Work Style: Fully remote, with 120+ annual holidays.
  • Responsibilities: Translation and proofreading of entertainment content, coordination tasks.
  • Company Features: Multinational workplace specializing in subcultures.

Job Description

  • Work in a small team (up to 5 people) to translate and proofread visual novels geared towards a male audience (R-18 content rating).
  • Communicate with translators to set deadlines, make sure the guidelines are followed, and give feedback.
  • Communicate (in Japanese) with the clients to discuss deadlines, eventual questions from the team, and schedules for upcoming projects.
  • Coordinate with other in-house language teams to deliver their translation as well as the English one.

Starting from 270,000 JPY per month, depending on experience and position.
*270,000 JPY includes 42 hours of overtime work (66,200 JPY) and 10 hours of late night overtime work (3200 JPY)

Employment Type
・Contract Employee (No probationary period)
・Contract Term: 1 year
Note: While the initial position is as a contract employee, there are opportunities for promotion to a permanent position during contract renewal. (Over 80% of employees transition to permanent positions.)

Salary increase ・ bonus
Performance evaluations are scheduled twice a year (end of Feb. and Aug.), from 6 months after joining the company. There has been one modest bonus per year in the last 5 years (depending on the sales figures for that year).

Other benefits
Transport reimbursement (up to 20,000 JPY per month)

Working Hours
Full flex (8 hours/day, between 08:00~22:00, no core time, 1 hour break)

Break Time
1 hour per day, free to take whenever needed

Overtime (monthly average)
Less than 5 hours per month

Number of Holidays per year
120 days per year

fixed holiday
As per Japanese calendar

vacation system
・Starting at 10 days of paid leave per year
・Summer vacation (4 days per year, first year availability depending on starting month)

Benefits and Welfare
・Various social insurances & National Health Insurance
・Influenza vaccine
・Yearly health check
・Paid leave
・Summer vacation

Selection schedule after application
①Application through the dedicated event form
③Online meeting with HR
④Translation test and online interview with team manager
⑤Final interview with the CEO at the office in Ikebukuro


職務経験 1年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


Required Qualifications

  • Approx. level N2 or above (to be verified at the interview)

Required Experience

  • Have previous experience in localizing JA-EN (Approximately 2+ years of experience)
  • Have the ability to produce clean written copy for publication, including knowledge of proper punctuation and American English grammar conventions
  • Some type of leadership experience, including employee training and performance evaluations
  • Have a deep interest in the anime/otaku culture

Preferred Experience

  • Leadership experience in the translation industry



  • 東京都 23区, 豊島区


雇用形態 契約
給与 300万円 ~ 450万円
勤務時間 Full flex (8 hours/day, between 08:00~22:00, 1 hour break)
休日・休暇 As per Japanese calendar
業種 その他(サービス)


  • 通訳・翻訳 > 翻訳
  • 通訳・翻訳 > 翻訳コーディネーター
  • 通訳・翻訳 > その他(通訳・翻訳)