求人ID : 1503517 更新日 : 2024年11月28日

【広報PR】 外資系不動産アセットマネジメント企業|業界未経験OK|六本木勤務|英語力活かせます!

採用企業 ESR株式会社
勤務地 東京都 23区, 港区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1000万円


服装カジュアル 残業少なめ



- 各種プレスリリースの企画・原稿制作・配信
-  メディアクリッピング(日経、日経テレコン、Google、定期購読媒体活用/掲載記事の保存、リスト更新)
- 恒常的な各種メディア・全国記者会とのリレーション構築、ネットワーク開拓、取材アレンジ・対応
- メディアリスト管理
- メディア向け内覧会の企画・運営
- 各自治体と協力・連携した広報活動
- 企業Webサイト日本語版の翻訳、原稿作成、ディレクション/日本語Webサイトの一部更新作業
- 地鎮祭、竣工式等へのメディア誘致
- 社内向け広報
- 会社案内制作(年2回 日本語・英語/編集・原稿制作・制作ディレクション・印刷手配)



日本法人のESR株式会社は「HUMAN CENTRIC DESIGN.」を基本理念とし、首都圏、中京圏、関西圏、九州において、働く人々にとって快適で環境に配慮した物流施設とデータセンターの開発と運営を積極的に推進しています。



試用期間 3か月

港区六本木7-7-7 トライセブン六本木13階

想定年収 600-1000万円前後 経験による
ボーナス裁量制 年1回 年俸の 10%程度上限 (0%~10%)
交通費 全額支給

9時-18時 休憩1時間

GW 年末年始

健康保険 厚生年金 雇用保険 労災保険


You will work with the group's communications team (Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) and external PR companies, and will also be responsible for communicating with the Japanese team to promote business operations.
Public relations experience and business-level English skills are required.

[Major duties]
- Planning, manuscript creation, and distribution of various press releases

① For Japanese media

② Translation of Japanese abridged versions of English press releases sent globally

- Media clipping (Nikkei, Nikkei Telecom, Google, use of subscription media / saving published articles, updating lists)
- Constantly building relationships with various media and national press clubs, cultivating networks, arranging and responding to interviews
- Media list management
- Planning and running previews for media
- Public relations activities in cooperation with local governments
- Translation, manuscript creation, direction of Japanese version of company website / partial updating of Japanese website
- Inviting media to groundbreaking ceremonies, completion ceremonies, etc.
- Internal PR
- Creation of company brochures (twice a year Japanese and English / editing, manuscript creation, production direction, printing arrangements)

[About us]

We are one of the largest real estate asset management companies in Asia, which invests in, develops, and manages funds for logistics facilities, data centers, infrastructure, and renewable energy in the Asia-Pacific region and Europe and the United States.

ESR Co., Ltd., a Japanese corporation, is actively promoting the development and operation of logistics facilities and data centers that are comfortable for workers and environmentally friendly in the Tokyo, Chukyo, Kansai and Kyushu areas with the basic philosophy of "HUMAN CENTRIC DESIGN."

ESR has gathered a multinational talent pool with a wealth of specialized knowledge and skills, as well as diverse values ​​and backgrounds. Our values ​​of "excellence," "inclusion," "entrepreneurship" and "sustainability" are the foundation of our corporate culture.

In Japan, we have a system that handles everything from land analysis and acquisition for logistics facilities and data centers to planning and development, leasing, asset management and property management, and each team works together to provide cutting-edge facilities and innovative solutions that meet the needs of the times.

[Employment status]
Full-time employee
Probation period: 3 months

[Work location]
13F Tri-Seven Roppongi, 7-7-7 Roppongi, Minato-ku
Roppongi Station (Toei Oedo Line/Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line) - 3 minutes
Nogizaka Station (Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line) - 5 minutes

Expected annual income: 6-10 million yen depending on experience
Annual salary system
Discretionary bonus system, once a year, up to 10% of annual salary (0%~10%)
Transportation expenses fully covered

[Working hours]
9:00-18:00, 1 hour break

[Holidays and vacations]
2 days off per week (Saturday, Sunday, public holidays)
Golden Week, New Year's holidays
Paid vacation: The number of days granted in the first year varies depending on the month of joining. From the next year onwards, it is granted uniformly in January.
In addition to the above, there is a paid sick leave and special paid leave (condolence leave) system.

[Other employee benefits]
Health insurance, employee pension, employment insurance, workers' compensation insurance
Regular health checkup/medical examination subsidy
Free refreshment corner in the company (coffee, tea, vegetable juice, fruit, yogurt, snacks, soup, etc.)


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル (英語使用比率: 25%程度)
日本語レベル 流暢
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です



- 広報のご経験が5年以上ある方(業界未経験OK、外資企業でのご経験のある方尚歓迎)

- 英語コミュニケーション力の高い方、バイリンガルの方大歓迎

- MS Office スキル(Outlook、word、excel、Power point、Adobe)


[Experience and skills required for application]

- 5+ years of experience in public relations (industry no experience necessary, experience at a foreign company is preferred)

- High English communication skills, bilingual people are welcome

- MS Office skills (Outlook, word, excel, Power point, Adobe)


  • 東京都 23区, 港区
  • 日比谷線、 六本木駅


雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1000万円
勤務時間 9時~18時(休憩1時間)
休日・休暇 土日祝
配属部署 マーケティング
業種 不動産仲介・管理


  • 総務・法務・広報 > 広報・IR
  • 総務・法務・広報 > 総務
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > マーケティング・販促企画
  • 通訳・翻訳 > 翻訳
  • 不動産系専門職 > 不動産企画・仕入・開発


会社の種類 中小企業 (従業員300名以下) - 外資系企業
外国人の割合 外国人 少数