採用企業 | Global company |
勤務地 | 東京都 23区 |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 500万円 ~ 550万円 |
- Arrange and implement display tools and decorations according to planning
- Arrange and execute display tools and decorations according to the planning.
- Store updates based on weekly trends, communication with store merchandising staff, and training
- Communication, arrangement, and implementation of various events (workshops, etc.) and POP UP decoration vendors
- Planning and arrangement of visuals and tools based on WHS strategy
- POP UP/event decoration planning, construction arrangement, and implementation
- Communication, arrangement, and implementation with decoration vendors for WHS exhibitions (twice a year)
- Collaboration with in-house WHS team
- Arrangement and execution of installation based on exhibition planning
職務経験 | 6年以上 |
キャリアレベル | 中途経験者レベル |
英語レベル | ビジネス会話レベル (英語使用比率: 50%程度) |
日本語レベル | ネイティブ |
最終学歴 | 大学卒: 学士号 |
現在のビザ | 日本での就労許可が必要です |
- Experience in VMD at head office for more than 3 to 5 years.
- Experience in storefront VMD for a fashion brand.
- Able to work late night (1~2 times a month)
- Ability: Able to cooperate smoothly both inside and outside the company
- Experience in Photoshop and Illustrator
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 500万円 ~ 550万円 |
業種 | 小売 |
会社の種類 | 中小企業 (従業員300名以下) - 外資系企業 |