求人ID : 1498413 更新日 : 2024年10月11日

Engineering Manager| Featured IT Company

採用企業 ⁑注目ITベンチャー企業/Featured IT Venture company⁑
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 900万円 ~ 1500万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制


[About the Company]

The company is a start-up IT venture that aims to create a digital infrastructure for alternative assets.
Currently, the company is trying to build an illiquid asset platform in the real estate industry, which is one of the alternative assets.
However, they believe that this is a "pathway to the worldview they are aiming for.
They are currently working on seamlessly promoting digitalization in the real estate domain, based on the hypothesis that investment demand for alternative assets will increase in the future, and their future business development will be based on this hypothesis.
Specifically, wine, art, laundromats, and solar power generation can be considered.

About the Services
①Mobile App
It is a mobile app for real estate owners that enables easy management of income-producing real estate regardless of location, whether at home or on the road. It helps to realize better investment.

②Business Platform
A digital platform connecting property management companies and owners.
Owner communication using mobile apps improves the efficiency of management operations and reduces costs.

③Asset Management
Real estate professionals support inbound real estate investment.

They are currently based in Tokyo, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, and New York.

Job Description 

The company's Corporate Business Division currently has approximately 30 engineers.
There are still areas where the organization is immature and system construction has not yet caught up. As the number of products and projects increase, there are cases where optimal engineering management is not possible.
Therefore, the company is looking for an engineering manager who can solve these problems and take on the challenge of creating a place where engineers can play a more active role.

[Your Role]
The Engineering Manager is committed to building organizational structures/systems and solving organizational issues, creating opportunities for engineers to play a more active role, and maximizing their contribution to engineering, product, and business success.
You will be expected to do the following, but it is important to note that no single engineering manager is expected to do all of the things listed below. The engineering manager is expected to maximize the productivity of the organization, which includes successfully sharing work with other managers, members, and positions.

Development Management
・Allocate resources for system development, manage development status and progress, and visualize them
・Serve as the point of contact for the engineering side, communicating as needed with PDM and the business side; responsible for EM and committed to resolving any issues that the engineering organization has to run into
・Responsible for project management as needed
Technical Management
・Facilitate and improve the technology selection process, ensure technical policies are aligned with member and organizational policies, and facilitate discussions appropriately
・Responsible for planning and implementing solutions to problems that arise during system operation from a technical perspective Expect to be deeply committed to operations as well as development
People Management
・Solving organizational issues
・Designing goal setting, evaluation, and feedback mechanisms
 -The company's maturity as an engineering organization is still in its infancy, and it is necessary to create and improve a system for goal setting, evaluation, and feedback. WealthPark is still in the process of maturing as an engineering organization, and we need to create and improve a system for goal setting, evaluation, and feedback.
1-on-1 MTG with members
 -For example, you will be expected to understand the issues of the entire engineering organization through 1-on-1s, and to create a better environment for engineers.
・Work with the HR team to recruit talented engineers
・Conduct interviews
・Convey the company's appeal to candidates through casual interviews
Technical Product Management
・Define detailed development requirements for projects that are technically complex and difficult for PDM to define all uses
・Communicate requirements and specifications to both the engineering and business/product sides
・Negotiate and communicate with stakeholders such as third-party vendors (e.g. data integrators) and customer IT departments regarding requirements and development schedule/status


【Working conditions & treatment】

10:00~19:00(Flextime System)

・Full Social Insurance
・Commuting Allowance

・Welcome lunch (with CEO, Division and Department), Welcome drinking
・Internal events (Year-end party etc.)
・Free drink (Water server and instant coffee and tea)
・Installation of vending machines

・ PC: Mac or MacBook Pro + 1 monitor
・ No smoking indoors

・Saturday/Sunday/National Holiday
・Annual Paid Leave
・New Year Holiday
・Parental Leave
・Refresh Holiday


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可は必要ありません


[Skills, Experience]

・4+ years of experience leading an engineering organization or team
・6+ years of development experience (including organization management period)
・Management of teams including foreign engineers
・Recruitment of engineers (document screening, interviews, etc.)
・Evaluation and follow-up of engineers (evaluation interviews, goal setting, career advice, 1-on-1, etc.)
・Extensive experience in at least one of the following
 Back-end: API design, development, and operation using programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, Go, Python, etc.
 Front-end: JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, Redux, or other front-end related development
 -Mobile: Development related to mobile application development using Swift and Kotlin

[Soft skills]
・English language skills (90% of our engineers are non-Japanese)
・Skills to communicate accurately within and outside the engineering team
・Motivated to build a team/organization
・Ability to make decisions quickly and flexibly in a startup environment, in response to ever-changing circumstances.
・Ability to constantly learn new technologies and find ways to solve problems

・Experience working in the real estate or Fintech industry
・Management of multiple teams or large organizations


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 900万円 ~ 1500万円
勤務時間 10:00~19:00 (Flextime)
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > システムアーキテクト
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > Webエンジニア