求人ID : 1497761 更新日 : 2024年10月09日
Career Growth// Great Welfare

【In-house Product】Generative AI Engineer|Listed QA Company

採用企業 ★QA Solution Provider★
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 800万円 ~ 1200万円




【About the company ...】

<Main Business>
Consulting, testing and development business with a focus on software "quality”

<Company profile>
The company specializes in quality assurance and testing, which are essential for software development. In order to deliver safe and secure products to the world that is full of software products and can no longer exist without them, they have developed a unique business model to provide quality assurance services across the board, including consulting in the upstream process of development projects, development work with an awareness of "quality", and testing work just before product release.

They are involved in a wide range of products and services, including enterprise domains such as finance and distribution, and entertainment domains such as web and games, and they participate in projects as a primary contractor under direct relationships with user companies.
In the blue ocean market, where there are no competitors, they continue to achieve an annual sales growth rate of approximately 150% and are creating a virtuous cycle in which employees are rewarded with challenging work and results.

From 2019, the corporate tagline will be "We will show you the change of common sense," and they will be a growing company that is always focused on change and improvement.


【 Job Description 】

◆◆Recruitment Background

Under the founder's leadership, the company has been aiming for sales of 300 billion yen and has continued to grow by achieving high sales every year. With "market capitalization of 1 trillion yen" as a future goal, there is a growing momentum for the development of generative AI as a reform of "testing" that has supported its growth. The company is looking for members who are serious about utilizing AI for "testing," which is the pillar of our business.


You will be responsible for developing products that utilize generative AI/large-scale language models.
・Development of new services based on prototyping and improvement infrastructure
・Catching up on information and research on LLM applications and technologies
・Design and development of business functions that are easy to use for large corporate users
・Specification review and formulation in cooperation with the business side in a territorial invasion style
Development will be carried out by maximizing the use of resources and capability of both the stand-alone and group companies.

◆◆Attractiveness of this position

(1) You can utilize open source LLM, not limited to GPT-4.
(2) You can be involved in dynamic development using generative AI.
(3) The mission is to change the business of 10,000 people in the group and change the business structure of the company itself.
(4) You can get feedback from 10,000 people in the group as soon as you release the product.
(5) You can work on the implementation by yourself and realize high-speed release.

◆◆Career Opportunities After Joining the Company

There are endless opportunities for you to expand your career.
・Lead development of our own products
・Development lead for new R&D initiatives
・Lead development of customer support
・Participation in business development and management
・Head of organization in a business unit (business and organization management), etc.



【 Working time 】


【 Welfare 】

・Parental, childcare, and nursing care leave systems
・Various types of social insurance
・Commuting allowance
・Elective defined contribution pension plan
・Skill improvement support system (support for acquiring qualifications)
・In-house recruitment system
・Affiliated nursery school system
・Technical study meeting and in-house social event "T.E.L@CAFE
・Stock-granting ESOP trust system
・Health insurance association (Tokyo Metropolitan Information Service Industry Health Insurance Association) affiliated facilities available
・Bicycle commuting system
・Club activities
・Various in-house events (field day, year-end party, general meeting of employees, awards), etc.

【 Holiday 】
<120 days or more annual holiday>

  •  2 days a week (Saturday and Sunday)
  •  Holidays
  •  Vacation
  • Summer vacation
  • New Year holiday
  • Paid leave (10-20 days)
  • Congratulations or condolences leave
  • (Marriage leave, child marriage leave, spouse birth leave, etc.)


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


・Experience in service planning, development, and operation (design and development of new functions and modification of existing functions) for the company or client companies
・Experience in development and operation in a cloud environment
・Lead product development team based on technical background
・Optimization of development process, standardization, and environment
・Selection of architecture and frameworks

・Experience in developing LLM applications using OpenAI and LangChain
・Knowledge of natural language processing
・Experience in tech lead
・Experience negotiating with customers and product owners
・Experience improving team output (code, design, production process)
・Experience developing in Scrum



  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 800万円 ~ 1200万円
勤務時間 9:00~18:15
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > Webエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア