求人ID : 1496862 更新日 : 2024年10月02日
Flextime&Remote/Own Products/Service

Web Front-end Lead Engineer

採用企業 ✦Creating products and services with a commitment to design and
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 550万円 ~ 1200万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 フレックスタイム制


【 About the company 】

The company has created many products to bring happiness to users through "design and technology."
They will continue to create new value for the world, not only in application development.

■Examples of In-house Products
・Web Browser
・Design Review Tool
・Online design tools
・Ultra-fast push notification engine
・Data analysis application dedicated to volleyball
・Other in-house products list

■Examples of jointly developed products
The company has worked on a number of well-known services, including the NHK Kohaku application and the Gurunavi application.

【 Job Description 】

■Recruitment Background
The company is experiencing continuous growth and is receiving more and more work from top-tier companies in the industry, and the technical standards required are becoming higher and higher. In order to build a development team that can meet these demands, they are looking to hire someone with high engineering skills and the ability to lead a team in order to strengthen their core leadership team.

■Issues / Your Role
In order to create a good product, it is necessary to build a good project team, and you will be expected to provide direction, development, and support for young engineers as a leader to achieve this.

The company is looking for someone who will not only develop the product as requested, but also think about how to bring the product closer to the best and lead the team with responsibility for quality, in order to understand the project characteristics, situation, product specifications, and design, and make proposals while carrying out the work. In addition, it would be great if you can understand the entire development organization while working as a leader, and gradually work your way up to a Tech Lead who will be responsible for the entire organization.

■Job Overview
In web application development projects (extensive system development including SPA, WebAPI for apps, and CMS), you will be mainly responsible for design, implementation, and unit testing in cooperation with the project manager and leading the team members.

You will work with designers, app engineers, testers, and other specialists to develop mobile applications with a focus on UI/UX.

Unit testing
Leading the technical aspects of a project
*Depending on your preference, you may also be involved in upstream processes, application development, design, and various other tasks.

Tech Stack
JavaScript / TypeScript + Vue.js / React / Angular
MySQL / PostgreSQL
AWS / Azure / GCP

■Working Environment
The latest generation MacBook Pro as development machine, with a display and other equipment available for remote use.
Development language is mainly TypeScript, but HTML/CSS is also used.
GitHub Enterprise or GitLab is used for source code management
Code reviews are conducted by team members through pull requests
Slack is used for communication
Videoconferencing with Google Meet
Backlog / GitHub Issues are used for issue management
Testing is handled by the quality control department
Subsidized exam fees for cloud certifications, etc.

■Team Culture
The department includes PMs and engineers, and depending on the nature of the project, teams are formed with designers and quality personnel.
There are more than 50 web engineers alone, and they evaluate each other to create an environment in which they can hone their technical skills.
This is an environment where professionals who are focused on technical skills gather to provide the world with the best service possible.
Many of the engineers seem to have a mild and sincere temperament.

■What you can experience in this position
You can work on a wide range of projects from upstream to development phases for companies in a variety of industries.

Because many of the projects are undertaken directly by the client company, there are many opportunities for two-way communication with the client, and you will have the opportunity to experience being a member of the project, not just a worker. There are many projects where design, front-end (including mobile apps), and back-end are all done in-house, so you can experience working with engineers and designers outside of your domain of expertise.

Since there are many new developments, you can also gain experience in developing a product from scratch as a key player by building a team in cooperation with the PM and selecting technologies together with the members of the team.

Quality control (testing) is handled by a dedicated department that handles everything from design to test execution, allowing you to hone your skills in an environment where you can concentrate on development.


【 Working conditions 】

【Holidays / Vacations】
・2 days off per week (Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays)
・125 days off per year (Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays)
・Birthday leave: 1 day
・Paid leave: granted on the day of employment
※G/W, summer, and New Year vacations can be combined with paid vacations for long consecutive holidays

【Welfare / Allowance】
・Full social insurance (health insurance, employee pension insurance, unemployment insurance, workers' accident compensation insurance)
・Periodic medical checkups (optional upon request)
・Subsidies for influenza vaccination
・Stress survey for all staff twice a year
・Membership in Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association
・Celebration and condolence money
・Optional corporate defined contribution pension plan available (additional allowance depending on the amount of contribution)
・All transportation expenses paid
・Remote work allowance
・Support for book purchases, participation in outside seminars, study groups, etc.
 - Several employees participate in overseas conferences such as WWDC, Google IO, and re:Invent every year (all expenses paid by the company).
・Celebration and condolence money
・Optional corporate defined contribution pension plan available (additional allowance depending on the amount of contribution)
・All transportation expenses paid
・Remote work allowance
・Support for book purchases, participation in outside seminars, study groups, etc.
 - Several employees participate in overseas conferences such as WWDC, Google IO, and re:Invent every year (all expenses paid by the company).


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 無し
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
その他言語 中国語: 北京語 - 日常会話レベル
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


・5 years total experience in programming in the following environments
  Screen coding in JavaScript / TypeScript + Vue.js / React / Angular

・Experience with MySQL / PostgreSQL from various development languages
・Basic level of experience in Linux setup, operation, and operation
・Basic level of experience with cloud environments (AWS/Azure/GCP)

・Back-end development using frameworks such as Laravel / Rails / Express / Spring / Django
・Application development with emphasis on visuals such as animations and graphs
・Development using Go, Rust, etc.
・Development using serverless environments such as Lambda and Functions
・Experience in operating and tuning RDB (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.)
・Infrastructure design and construction of AWS / Azure / GCP
・Development environment construction using Docker
・Experience with cross-platform development such as Flutter / React Native / Unity


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 550万円 ~ 1200万円
勤務時間 Flextime System
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > システムアーキテクト
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ソフトウェアエンジニア
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > Webエンジニア