求人ID : 1488415 更新日 : 2024年09月26日

TME Profiling

採用企業 非公開
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1700万円


【求人No NJB2240563】
TME Japan Level 5 6 Provide medical and scientific expertise and leadership to: 1. Drive success of early global programs develop and implement strategies to achieve clinical Proof of Concept (PoC) 2. Drive success of late global programs by developing and implementing strategies which lead to clinical pharmacology and profil ing packages that meet regulatory requirements and support differentiated and competi tive drug labeling 3. Support Translational Research in developing new indications endpoints and bi omarkers using in vitro in vivo or in silico methods 4. Provide scientific expert assessments and support for in licensing opportunities in cluding due diligences Note: A TME may do some or all of these or alternate among them as program needs dictate

【About the Role】
Provide medical and scientific expertise and leadership to:

1. Drive success of early global programs develop and implement strategies to achieve clinical Proof of Concept (PoC)

2. Drive success of late global programs by developing and implementing strategies which lead to clinical pharmacology and profiling packages that meet regulatory requirements and support differentiated and competitive drug labeling

3. Support Translational Research in developing new indications endpoints and biomarkers using in vitro in vivo or in silico methods

4. Provide scientific expert assessments and support for in licensing opportunities including due diligences

Note: A TME may do some or all of these or alternate among them as program needs dictate

・ Able to run a clinical trial with satisfactory clinical and safety review ability to manage study level issues.
・ Needs assistance and oversight from more experienced TMDP colleagues to evaluate strategic questions for programs and to evaluate the impact of study level decisions on clinical development plans.
・ Able to conceive obtain approval and oversee TR or data science studies in collaboration with other line functions.
・ Subject matter expert for team and potentially beyond to TA and DA.
・ Able to bring cutting edge medical and scientific knowledge to teams in BR and Development.
・ Able to present TM plans to decision boards in DA and TED and externally as appropriate.

・ Able to run more than one clinical trial independently.
・ Able to manage most TM aspects of a clinical development program with review by more experienced TMDP colleagues.
・ Able to develop drug project strategy from earliest aspects of TR through clinical development.
・ Subject matter expert for TM BR and Development.
・ Able to influence program strategy for TM aspects of development programs inI BR and Development.
・ Able to represent TM at Novartis decision boards and externally as appropriate.


職務経験 無し
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 大学院卒: 修士号/博士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


■Education (minimum/desirable):
Doctoral degree MD required in most cases.
Demonstrated excellence and clinical expertise in relevant medical subspecialty.

Fluent English (oral and written). For Japan Fluent Japanese (oral and written)

■Experience/Professional Requirement:
・ At least 2 years’ experience in a pharmaceutical/biotech company CRO or academic medical center or related experience. Additional experience may be required at higher levels.
・ Recognized medical expertise as evinced by publication of significant contributions to a field over time.
・ Excellent written and oral communication/presentation skills.
・ Independence: Able to work independently as outlined above commensurate with level of role.
・ Innovation: Seeks out new clinical discovery opportunities and PoC approaches.
・ Demonstrated passion for science
・ Recognized expert in field driving success for individual studies and projects; respected by colleagues across R D Development and externally.


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1700万円
勤務時間 09:00 ~ 17:45
休日・休暇 【有給休暇】有給休暇は入社時から付与されます 入社7ヶ月目には最低10日以上 【休日】完全週休二日制 土・日・祝日、ゴールデン…
業種 医薬品


  • 技術・専門職系(メディカル) > 研究・開発(医薬品)


会社の種類 外資系企業