求人ID : 1485354 更新日 : 2024年07月04日

1N14【東京/日本橋】Corporate Planning Manager/グローバルメーカー/在宅勤務・フレックス

採用企業 非公開
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1200万円


【求人No NJB2237956】
■Mission of the organization
The mission of Corporate Marketing Incubation HQ (hereinafter called CM I)  is to “Be TDK’s Antenna from to the Market (“Rx/Tx”) and ・ with that Intelligence ・ create and incubate new products/solutions which don’t exist in TDK’s portfolio.

■How does this job contribute to the mission of CM I ・
The Business Administration Planning department (hereinafter called BA P) supports CM I Management and operation gathering and structuring TDK Market data organizing the preparation for annual business plan its quarterly progress management and other reports to TDK Management and administrating CM I regulations and processes (revision of Decision Authorization Matrix internal regulations managing contracts being thorough about information security internal/external regulations etc.).

■Main Responsibilities / Main Tasks
1. Managing internal regulations Decision Authorization Matrix (revision of those management of CM I internal approval process)
2. Manage support CM I contract process
3. Information Security Administrator (promoting Information Security rules/processes in CM I approval of IT related applications taking care of IT related surveys/checking)
4. Other administrative works (ERM Trade control Documents management Audit etc.)
5. Organizing purchase of external market data/report and our internal website management (handling inquiries for external market reports supporting discussion/decision for purchase of reports update of our website information)
6. Preparation for annual business plan its quarterly progress management Exective Comitee Metting and other reports to TDK Management
7. Support General Manager of BA P in special projects upon requests
8. Organizing / scheduling the CM I major events (related to No.6 etc.)


職務経験 無し
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 流暢
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


■Work Experience and Knowledge   3 to 5 years with the comparable work experience above   Broad knowledge in similar industry (Electronics; manufacturing; R D)   Marketing / Administration experience ■Education and Training   Academic degree in business administrative studies or comparable discipline ■Qualifications(Language proficiency Abilities Skills Characteristics)   English and Japanese language proficiency on fluent level required   Good communication skills to communicate with wide range of people (various departments different positions global)   Ability to have an attention to details and take care of multiple tasks concurrently to make sure everything goes without a problem   Microsoft Office environment ■Other Requirements   Traveling within Japan and occasionally abroad   Working flexible hours


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 1200万円
勤務時間 08:50 〜 17:20
休日・休暇 【有給休暇】入社7ヶ月目には最低10日以上 【休日】完全週休二日制 土 日 祝日 GW 夏季休暇 年末年始 有休付与日数は入社…
業種 電気・電子・半導体


  • 経営・経営企画・事業企画系 > 経営企画・事業企画・PMO
  • 営業系 > 営業企画