求人ID : 1482755 更新日 : 2024年06月20日
Nutanix Japan合同会社での募集です。 法人営業(その他)のご経験の…

【1500〜2200万円】Enterprise Account Manager 製造流通サービス

採用企業 Nutanix Japan合同会社
勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 1500万円 ~ 2000万円


【求人No NJB2218796】
Cloud Computing Softwareの最大手、Nutanix社の営業ポジションです。
代表的なHCI(hyper converged infrastructure)、Software defined storage等を中心に、ハイタッチセールスとして同社の注力大手アカウントだけでなく、SIer等のパートナーや社内とも協業しつつ、大きな裁量を持って活動いただけます。

 HCI(hyper converged infrastructure)、Software defined storage 等のソリューションの営業戦略を作成する





Essential to success in this role is a keen ability develop new business in relationship with Strategic Customers and to penetrate new divisions and organizations within such accounts. Nutanix provides unrivalled support and tools from the Engineering Marketing and Product Development departments for you to leverage to exceed sales performance goals.

Use relationship management techniques to develop selling opportunities through SI partners; penetrate new divisions and organizations within assigned partner account; develop new selling relationships within assigned partner account; develop new direct selling opportunities.
Schedule and attend sales call appointments with a prospect in partner organization. Nutanix Channel Partner Representatives may also participate in the sales call to help qualify the opportunity.
Utilizing a consultative approach discuss business issues with prospect and develop a formal quote a written sales proposal or a formal sales presentation addressing their business needs.
Respond to RFP's and follow up with prospects.
Develop an account plan to sell to customers based on their business needs.
Build and strengthen the business relationship with current accounts and new prospects.
Recommend marketing strategies.
Provide status information to your Manager including forecast/pipeline information.
Provide or facilitate training opportunities for your accounts.
Identify Nutanix customer references that can be utilized when reference selling.
Provide product feedback back to engineering to improve Nutanix complete block solutions


職務経験 無し
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル 日常会話レベル
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 高等学校卒
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


【必須】 ・大手製造/流通/サービス業界向けIT営業5年以上 ・ハイブリッドクラウド/マルチクラウド戦略を理解できる方 <Skills> ・Strong verbal and written communications skills including presentation skills. ・Ability to work collaboratively with employees within the sales function and across functions including Marketing Sales Operations System Engineering and Product Development. ・Experience with target account selling solution selling and/or consultative sales techniques ・An aptitude for understanding how technology products and solutions solve business problems as well as the competitive landscape. ・Ability to communicate with senior managers about their business challenges and Nutanix data management storage solutions. ・Experience using SFDC and other CRM software. ・Track record of exceeding assigned sales quotas in contiguous multiple years.


  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 1500万円 ~ 2000万円
勤務時間 09:30 〜 18:30
休日・休暇 【有給休暇】有給休暇は入社時から付与されます 初年度20日、入社初月から 【休日】完全週休二日制 年間休日 日本の祝日・カレン…
業種 ソフトウエア


  • 営業系 > 法人営業
  • 営業系 > 代理店営業・アライアンス
  • ICTスペシャリスト(IT・Web・通信系) > ITコンサルタント


会社の種類 外資系企業