求人ID : 1476292 更新日 : 2024年06月20日
三菱ふそうトラック・バス株式会社での募集です。 バイヤーのご経験のある方は歓迎…

【1000~1300万円】購買マネージャー (シャシー) /Chassis Procurement Manager

採用企業 三菱ふそうトラック・バス株式会社
勤務地 神奈川県
雇用形態 正社員
給与 1000万円 ~ 1300万円


【求人No NJB2225016】
■Your mission
1) Work closely with relevant functions (ex RD Life Cycle Management Production Quality Cost Engineering Finance) and optimized sustainable material cost.
2) Participate strategic projects and initiatives of DTA MFTBC and DTA Procurement and make changes in the organizations to serve better our customers.
3) Train encourage and support people's growth in the organization and in her/his career development

■Your challenge and development
1) Build open and honest relationship with external suppliers and negotiate professionally with them to bring down parts cost in a collaborative and sustainable way.
2) Analyze and understand well about the existing challenges bottlenecks in the Organization Processes Collaborations and find out a workable solution to make changes.
3) Listen and understand well the needs wishes and concerns of our people take proper actions for improvement and increase engagement of the people.

■Your responsibilities
1. Continuous material cost optimization through new supplier selections and annual negotiation with existing suppliers.
2. Participate Daimler Truck's global Procurement collaboration program and work closely with other Daimler Truck Procurement teams to find opportunities to increase procurement synergies.
3. Take lead in DTA's Procurement Strategic initiatives to make changes for future. (Initiative to be assigned after on boarding)
4. Take responsibility for 6 team members support them to succeed and grow in the position. Jointly create career path development plan and support them.


職務経験 無し
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


■ Job Experience Must 1. Procurement experiences (3 years+) 2. Management experiences 3. Work Experience in manufacturing industries (3 years+) Preferable 1. Work experience in Automotive Industries 2. Work experience in overseas countries 3. Work experience in international organization Qualifications 1. People management skill and experience 2. Negotiation skill (Negotiation levers logical thinking persuasive explanation relationship management) 3. Knowledge about Manufacturing / Engineering / Quality / Accounting / Laws (ie sub contractor law) 4. Ability to establish and maintain relationship with external stakeholders (ex supplier) 5. Native Japanese / Business English 6. Presentation skill Ideal Candidate A person is always passionate and able to proceed forward under ambiguous situation. ・ Keep good relationship with business partners even if under critical conflict ・ Self driven and go over complex problems and challenges under ambiguous situation ・ Able to convince stakeholder by using analysis/ expertise skill ・ Good listener. One who can start from listening. ・ Always curious about learning something new. ・ Always put 1st Priority on the people. ・ Work with integrity and sincerity


  • 神奈川県


雇用形態 正社員
給与 1000万円 ~ 1300万円
勤務時間 08:00 ~ 17:00
休日・休暇 【有給休暇】有給休暇は入社時から付与されます 入社7ヶ月目には最低10日以上 【休日】完全週休二日制 1月~6月入社の場合は1…
業種 自動車・自動車部品


  • SCM・ロジスティクス・物流・購買・貿易系 > 購買・調達


会社の種類 外資系企業