求人ID : 1462680 更新日 : 2024年07月03日
Connecting Japan+Spanish speaking World

Spanish digital marketer l Work with 30+ nationalities!

採用企業 ZenGroup株式会社
勤務地 大阪府, 大阪市中央区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 300万円 ~ 350万円


服装カジュアル 副業OK 残業少なめ フレックスタイム制


Bring Japanese products to the Spanish-speaking world!

<About Us>

◆Who We Are

We are ZenGroup, a global e-commerce company based in Osaka serving customers all around the world. We are a diverse team representing 30 nationalities, 6 continents, and providing our services to the world in 19 languages.

◆What We Do
・We connect Japan to the rest of the world by providing a marketplace for foreigners to enjoy
Japanese products in 19 languages through our ZenMarket proxy buying platform.
・Via our ZenPop service we offer a subscription box service delivering highly curated boxes of
snacks, stationery supplies and other goods all over the world.
・For Japanese brands looking to break into the world of ecommerce we offer our ZenPlus
EC-Mall where the best of “made in Japan” can market their goods to a global audience.
・Japanese companies seeking solutions to improve their advertising strategies towards foreign
markets can utilize ZenPromo, our ad consulting service.

◆Why We Are Hiring
Being the second biggest market and still growing, the Spanish market has been a huge focus for our ZenMarket team. With the continuous growth throughout 2023 and an all-time sales record this month, We have decided to add another Spanish marketer to our team to handle the countries of the world's second most spoken language. Working as a part of a team of 3 Spanish marketers, you will use your digital marketing knowledge to refine our marketing strategies and share Japan with the world.

◆Position Title
・Spanish Language Marketer

・PPC advertisements (GDN, Meta ads, etc)
・SNS management
・Influencer marketing
・Content Marketing ( blogs, keyword research, SEO)
・Data analysis (Google analytics etc.)
・Email marketing
・English to Spanish localization

◆Sample day at work
9~10 Morning routine: Arrive at work, get coffee, check-in with the team, catch up with outstanding emails
10~11 Data: Check PPC ads performance and make changes that will optimize and improve the campaigns in the long term..
11~12 Focus block: Research Keywords and topics trending on SNS for ideas on SEO content for the ZenMarket blog.
12~13 Lunch Break
13~14 Focus block continued: Research Keywords and topics trending on SNS for ideas on SEO content for the ZenMarket blog.
15~16 Management: Send writing tasks to freelancers to complete. Review work already submitted by freelancers and publish if accepted.
16~17: SNS management : Make creatives for use in PPC ads and organic SNS posts based on completed research. Schedule SNS posts.
17~18 Wrap up: Design engaging emails to be sent out to various segments of subscribers to prompt them to read, purchase or share. Finish up the remaining task and prepare for tomorrow.


職務経験 1年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル 日常会話レベル
その他言語 スペイン語 - ネイティブ
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


◆Must Have Skills
・Native Spanish speaker
・ Digital marketing experience in at least one of the following: (PPC, SEO, Influencer marketing, SNS marketing)
・Experience working in a corporate environment

◆Preferred Skills
・Professional marketing experience focused on South American markets
・Other marketing experience (Content marketing, Email marketing etc.)
・Japanese skill (JLPT N3 or better)
・Copywriting experience

<Who We Are Looking For>
・Spanish Writing Enthusiast: A person who has genuine passion for writing content in their native tongue suited for the Spanish speaking audience
・Social Media Savvy: A person that is strong with navigating the digital landscape, and has interest in managing social media accounts.
・Analytical skills - ability to work with data and identify opportunities for improvement based on a variety of available metrics.
・Growth-Oriented: Someone who is enthusiastic about personal and professional growth, and is ambitious to contribute to our company's expansion.

◆Employment Type
・Permanent employee (Full Time)

◆Working Hours
・9:15 ~ 18:15
・Flex time available: Core time 10:00 - 16:00 (8 hours of actual work)
*Up to 2 hours Lunch break
・Two days off per week. (Saturday, Sunday)
・Year end and new years holidays (4 days)
・Total 26 paid days off per year (Increases year over year)

・¥260,000 - ¥280,000 per month(Based on previous experience and ability)
・Bonus twice a year (June and December)

・Raise once per year
・Transportation Allowance (Up to 30,000 per month)
・Overtime Pay (Paid by the minute)
・Unemployment Insurance, National Health Insurance, Worker’s Accident Insurance
・Casual dress code(No suit required)


  • 大阪府, 大阪市中央区
  • 堺筋線駅


雇用形態 正社員
給与 300万円 ~ 350万円
ボーナス 給与: ボーナス込み
業種 インターネット・Webサービス


  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > マーケティング・販促企画
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > マーケティングプランナー・Webプランナー
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > Web・デジタルマーケティング
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > マーケティングリサーチ・分析
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > その他(マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系)


会社の種類 大手企業 (300名を超える従業員数)
外国人の割合 外国人 多数