求人ID : 1456283 更新日 : 2024年06月21日
スイスの人気時計ブランド SwatchⓇ

E-commerce Manager/Assistant Manager

採用企業 スウォッチ グループ ジャパン株式会社
勤務地 東京都 23区, 中央区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談




 Guarantee Longines online success, balancing branding & visibility, and online share/sales.
 Provide best online experience through story telling & quality service
 Become #1 profit driver of the brand business.

• Take ownership of all local online stores business & operations
• Develop & execute local E-Commerce strategy based on defined sales targets aligned with global
E-commerce strategy & execution plans.
• Plan and promote EC site to increase traffic and conversions, in collaboration with the marketing
team as well as HQ EC team.
• Continuously plan, achieve, and analyze all sales/marketing related KPIs for EC required to achieve
local & global objectives; which includes forecasting, inventory monitoring,
• Plan and increase conversion, ensuring to reduce any cart-drop or missed opportunities
• Follow-up on orders to ensure safe transactions & delivery and 100% customer satisfaction in
coordination with Logistics team and Finance team.
• Monitor and optimize gateway to ensure to provide safe shopping site for all parties.
• Monitor competitors market activities and propose plans that will enable the brand to stay ahead
of the game.
• Develop knowledge and work with vendor platforms such as Rakuten

• Co-work with HQ to manage/adapt the Brand website to meet Japan consumers’ expectations and
provide the best experiences possible
• Improve the usability, practicality, content and conversion rate.
• Design and develop contents/banners/any other adaptation required materials within brand
guideline and co-work with HQ for deployment
• Increase web traffic through paid & organic ad, co-working with digital marketing manager. Provide
assistance to analyze and optimize campaigns that will deliver ROAS maximization
• Co-develop online site that best provides local consumer need of info/knowledge, and become the
first source of information as well as purchase destination.
• Identify and implement new ways to engage & grow our target audience.

3) 3rd Party EC
• Co-work with WS Reps to provide support to increase sales & online share on 3rd party EC platform
• Provide inputs/support to increase brand visibility and desirability by collaborating with 3rd party EC team
• Co-work with WS Reps to develop rolling promotion plans, monitory executions, and analyze
results on monthly basis
• Monitor competitors market place activities and provide plans that will enable the brand to stay ahead of the game

• Develop, nurture, and maintain LONGINES customer database.
• Develop suitable CRM program for Japan with the support of Marketing Manager/Brand Director.
• Plan & manage effective CRM program to recruit/retain LONGINES customers and increase CLTV.
• Compile and analyze CRM related database and share insights to relevant parties in timely
• Plan and develop with the support of HQ to send out eDM to listed customers
• Any other duties and projects related to CRM assigned by the management/HQ.

正社員(試用期間3 か月。その間の給与・待遇に変わりはありません。)

年俸制(12 分割にて毎月支給)

東京都中央区銀座7-9-18 ニコラス・G・ハイエック センター

7時間30 分(フレックスタイム制。コアタイム11:00 - 15:00)
休憩時間:60 分(12:30 - 13:30)

完全週休2 日制(土・日・祝日)※2020 年度年間休日124 日
夏季休暇3 日(6月~9 月の間に連続して取得)、年末年始休暇(12 月30 日~1 月3日)、
慶弔休暇、療養休暇(最大20 日)
有給休暇:入社日に最大15 日(入社月により日数は異なります。)

・各種社会保険完備(健康保険、厚生年金保険、 雇用保険、 労災保険)
・長期障害所得補償保険(GLTD) 、海外旅行傷害保険(海外出張時に付保)
・自己啓発支援制度 (語学、e-learning、通信教育、資格取得奨励金)


職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ネイティブ
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


Key Competencies
• Strategic planning skills with clear goal oriented mindset
• Organizational skills to work effectively in cross functional setup and develop collaborative working
environment with local team and HQ.
• Driving skills and strong ownership/passion to deliver with creativity
• Adaptability and flexibility to cope with fast moving projects and customer requirements
• Self-starter, optimistic & enthusiastic
• Friendly and open minded

Skills Needed
• Ability to employ tactics and strategies to drive E-commerce revenue through website optimization,
email marketing, search engine/pay-per-click campaigns & social media advertising. Prior e-tail
marketing experience is required.
• Comfortable with all digital tools and platforms; Google analytics or equivalent
• Basic knowledge of HTML / CSS/ Flash / Magento
• Creation skill using Image editing application such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, INDesign
• SNS & Curation Media experience
• Business English (Direct Communication with HQ is mandatory)
• Working Experience in Luxury brand

※書類選考から内定まで1~2 週間程度を目安に実施
書類選考 → 1 次面接 → 2 次面接 → 最終面接 → 適性検査 ⇒ 内定
人事 事業本部長 HQ Web 受検15 分


  • 東京都 23区, 中央区
  • 銀座線、 銀座駅


雇用形態 正社員
給与 経験考慮の上、応相談
勤務時間 7時間30 分(フレックスタイム制。コアタイム11:00 - 15:00) 休憩時間:60 分(12:30 - 13:30)
休日・休暇 完全週休2 日制(土・日・祝日)※2020 年度年間休日124 日
業種 アパレル・ファッション


  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > Web・デジタルマーケティング
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > ブランド・プロダクトマネージャー
  • クリエイティブ・デザイン系 > Webサービス・コンテンツ企画
  • クリエイティブ・デザイン系 > Webプロデューサー・Webディレクター