求人ID : 1452545 更新日 : 2024年06月28日

メディアプランニングダイレクター/MEDIA PLANNING DIRECTOR【ビジネスレベル英語歓迎】

採用企業 グループエム・ジャパン株式会社
勤務地 東京都 23区, 渋谷区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 700万円 ~ 1300万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 服装カジュアル 副業OK フレックスタイム制



About MFG

Media Futures Group (MFG) is a part of EssenceMediacom, the largest agency within GroupM with 10,000 employees in 125 offices, handling close to $25bn in billings. The merger brings together the data and performance driven digital DNA of Essence with the multi-channel might of Mediacom, and MFG is its Google-focused unit, while EM clients include Coke, Airbnb, Mars, Flipkart, NBCUniversal, L'Oréal and Financial Times. 

Core Responsibilities:

  • Oversight of all deliverables produced by pod/market, either by direct or delegated means Direct responsibility for the performance of assigned media dollars against their intended outcome, across both brand and DR objectives
  • Responsible for expressing the rationale behind media investment decisions and evidencing the performance versus expected outcomes 
  • Responsible for quality of Planning Milestone Meetings ( strategic/tactical presentations, post campaign analysis), playing a key role for priority campaigns 
  • Point of escalation for team issues (within and outside of team)
  • Process /workflow enhancement, growing Essence’s capability, increasing work quality, making us more efficient, or increasing Essential satisfaction
  • Responsible for setting quality standard for 1(+) planning deliverables and improving them via team/client feedback and incorporation of evolving external context 
  • Support new business pitches with leadership by developing plan/presentation
  • Assist with new client onboarding and play a large supporting role for Client Services  in ensuring the success of the new client
  • Thought leadership expressed as press quotes, published articles, and POVs
  • Accountable for external recognition and awards submissions, at least 1 per quarter
  • Manage 2-4 direct media planning reports to support career growth/development
  • Partnering with Client Service to balance capacity and profitability


職務経験 10年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル (英語使用比率: 75%程度)
日本語レベル 流暢
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


A bit about yourself:

  • At least 8-10 years of working experience with B2B and SMB exposure
  • 5 to 7 years’ experience in the Digital Media or Advertising field
  • Ability to forecast  outcomes of brand/DR campaigns and manage spend 
  • Experience with Media Research Tools (Comscore, GWI, TGI, YouGov)
  • Strong English and Japanese written and verbal communication skills across all platforms
  • Solid grasp of digital marketing, especially a deep knowledge of digital media
  • Ability to adhere to and meet deadlines and project manage multiple campaigns
  • Proven problem solving skills and ability to think outside of the box 
  • Ability to work independently and collaborate in a team environment
  • Strong organizational skills, detail-oriented and capable of multi-tasking


  • 勤務地:恵比寿ガーデンプレイスタワー
  • 契約期間:期間の定めなし
  • 試用期間:あり (6カ月)
  • 就業時間:就業時間:9:30~17:30 (休憩1時間含む)
  • 休日:土日祝日、年末年始休日、企業が定める休日
  • 社会保険:健康保険、厚生年金、労災保険、雇用保険
  • 福利厚生:確定拠出年金、生命保険、所得補償保険など

About EssenceMediacom

GroupM’s newest and largest agency –  delivers marketing breakthroughs for their clients. Disrupting the old models across media, creative, innovation and analytics, the agency has been built to find new opportunities for brands and deliver truly integrated media solutions.

Composed of 10,000 people across 120 offices globally EssenceMediacom combines Essence’s performance, data, analytics and creative technology DNA with MediaCom’s scaled multichannel audience planning and strategic media expertise.

The agency includes an enviable global client roster, which includes adidas, Bayer, Dell, Google, Mars, NBCUniversal, PlayStation, Procter & Gamble, The Coca-Cola Company and Uber, and will be responsible for more than $21bn in global media billings.

EssenceMediacom Creative Futures works at the intersection of data and technology, media and creative to drive relevance from brands.  Not disruptive or annoying, we strive to reshape how brands connect with consumers by creating advertising that is relevant and useful to the end user.  Our data-driven and insight-led approach truly delivers on the promise of 'right moment, right message’.

Visit essencemediacom.com for more information and follow us on Twitter at @essenceglobal.

About Japan:

Japan is both the world’s third-largest media market and third-largest e-commerce market. As one of the first markets to develop a full mobile e-commerce ecosystem circa 2001 to 2002, Japanese digital consumers are experienced and discerning; digital marketing campaigns are sophisticated, multi-layered labor of love. While growth is lower in this mature market, e-commerce is projected to increase by 12% in 2016, 11% in 2017 – emerging technologies are driving substantial growth. Programmatic spend across all devices has seen a 156% increase between 2012 and now, with mobile Programmatic spend expected to grow 174% between now and 2017. If you want to excel in a mature, refined media advertising atmosphere and reach savvy consumers with equally-savvy media plans, Japan is the place to be.

GroupM is an equal opportunity employer. We view everyone as an individual and we understand that inclusion is more than just diversity – it’s about belonging. We celebrate the fact that everyone is unique and that’s what makes us so good at what we do. We pride ourselves on being a company that embraces difference and truly represents the global clients we work with.


  • 東京都 23区, 渋谷区
  • 山手線、 恵比寿駅


雇用形態 正社員
給与 700万円 ~ 1300万円
ボーナス 固定給+ボーナス
配属部署 EssenceMediacom
業種 広告・PR


  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > Web・デジタルマーケティング
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > マーケティングプランナー・Webプランナー
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > マーケティングリサーチ・分析
  • マーケティング・販促企画・商品開発系 > ブランド・プロダクトマネージャー
  • クリエイティブ・デザイン系 > Webサービス・コンテンツ企画


会社の種類 外資系企業