採用企業 | Global AI Company |
勤務地 | 東京都 23区, 品川区 |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 600万円 ~ 1200万円 |
Achievement of target sales through the following activities, development activities for the purpose of obtaining appointments such as list creation and cold calls, acquisition of appointments (lead sources: study sessions, webinars, event follow-up, etc.), business negotiations Response (direct visit or WEB)
Respond to inquiries from customers
Smooth intermediation between customers and internal departments
Various paperwork such as changing CRM business negotiations
10+ years working experience
B2B sales experience, especially sales for upper decision makers such as top management and business managers
Large products (unit price 10 million)
Those who have a track record that can be quantitatively evaluated such as achieving budgets as a salesperson
Those who have knowledge of the legal industry
Those who have IT knowledge
Those who have knowledge of e-discovery and forensics
Those who are interested in AI and can utilize AI technology to develop new markets
職務経験 | 10年以上 |
キャリアレベル | 中途経験者レベル |
英語レベル | ビジネス会話レベル |
日本語レベル | ネイティブ |
最終学歴 | 大学卒: 学士号 |
現在のビザ | 日本での就労許可が必要です |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 600万円 ~ 1200万円 |
業種 | ITコンサルティング |