求人ID : 1424163 更新日 : 2024年10月02日

Electrical AIT Engineer

採用企業 株式会社ispace
勤務地 東京都 23区, 中央区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 800万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 服装カジュアル フレックスタイム制


ispace Japan is seeking a highly motivated and talented Electrical AIT Engineer to join its team developing lunar orbiters, landers and rovers. The ideal candidate will have broad experience in the Assembly, Integration, and Testing of of spacecraft and good technical knowledge of multiple spacecraft subsystems. This is a unique opportunity to join a truly fascinating project, the first stage of ispace’s plans to perform resource prospecting on the moon. In this position, you will join a small, international team of engineers, and you will be mainly assigned to the production and verification of our next vehicle, M2.


Candidates with demonstrated "hands-on" experience in some engineering domains and interdisciplinary experience are preferred. Teamwork is valued, and depending on the strengths of each member of the Electrical AIT team, your responsibility might be more focused on different areas of Avionics integration and testing.

Key Responsibility

  • Support the planning and management of the integration and verification activities of lunar lander spacecraft, its subsystems and payloads, overseeing their correct and timely execution
  • Design procedures to guarantee safety and compliance with requirements, managing risks, schedule and costs, and incorporating lessons learnt from ispace's M1 Lander.
  • Lead execution of procedures, training and supervising technicians and interfacing closely with QA department.
  • Support definition of quality metrics and acceptance procedures and criteria
  • Work closely with design engineering teams and give feedback to simplify processes and improve quality, guiding in the field of best practices, standards, manufacturing and assembly techniques. Advise on detailed design standards and potential re-design requirements. Review specifications and design and provide judgement about quality and manufacturability 
  • Maintain spacecraft configuration during its build and testing and manage the logs of procedures execution according to planning.
  • Support continuous improvement efforts for improving the effectiveness and leanness of our operations.
  • Take responsibility for the non-conformance resolution process execution and completion of cause & corrective action efforts. Maintain a log of lessons learnt
  • Support formulation of spacecraft test requirements, prepare testing documents and review supplier test and verification activities. Work closely with Software and Avionics teams for defining Functional Testing environment and Test Software requirements.
  • Provide advice on the selection, integration and calibration of spacecraft instrumentation, including test measurement instrumentation, R&D instrumentation, and flight instrumentation. Support data acquisition system integration and set-up. Take ownership over EGSE operation and maintenance.


雇用形態:正社員(試用期間 3ヶ月)

勤務地:住所:東京都中央区日本橋浜町3-42-3 住友不動産浜町ビル3F

給与形態:年俸制 680万円~900万円
     昇給 年1回 有、残業 有



職務経験 3年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です


Basic Qualifications

  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in Electrical, Aerospace Engineering or equivalent
  • 5+ years of experience in the integration and testing of complex and highly integrated systems
  • Excellent interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills. Enthusiastic attitude and team player
  • Hands-on experience in the development of hardware
  • Experience writing test scripts.
  • Be comfortable with an ever-changing and fast-paced environment with tight deadlines. Down-to-earth-thinker with ability to take decisions under stressful situations with limited information
  • Working level in English

Preferred Qualifications

  • Has experience with spacecraft integration and verification.
  • Working level in Japanese language is a plus.
  • Certification in different skills related to electrical integration like crimping or soldering.
  • Background in design of Electrical Systems is favoured.


  • 東京都 23区, 中央区
  • 都営新宿線駅


雇用形態 正社員
給与 600万円 ~ 800万円
勤務時間 9:00~18:00(所定労働時間:8時間0分) 休憩時間:60分
休日・休暇 完全週休2日制(休日は土日祝日) 年間有給休暇15日~25日(下限日数は、入社半年経過後の付与日数となります)
業種 その他(インフラ)


  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > 設計・開発エンジニア
  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > 生産技術・製造技術・エンジニアリング(機械・自動車)
  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > プロジェクトマネージャー(機械・自動車)
  • 技術系(機械・メカトロ・自動車) > サービスエンジニア・整備士・メカニック
  • その他 > その他


会社の種類 中小企業 (従業員300名以下)