求人ID : 1394639 更新日 : 2024年10月08日


勤務地 東京都 23区
雇用形態 正社員
給与 500万円 ~ 1200万円


リモートワーク・在宅勤務 服装カジュアル 残業少なめ


・ 案件のソーシング
・ エグゼキューション管理
・ 既存案件のモニタリング
・ 顧客との各種交渉 など
※ 海外出張あり。(3か月~半年に1回程度あります)
※ 在宅勤務と出社のハイブリッドの働き方になります。月に1度出社し顔合わせするようにしてますがそれ以外はご自身の業務との兼ね合いでお任せしています。


[Job description]
・You will be in charge of either an overseas financial corporation RM or an overseas business corporation RM, depending on your wishes, past experience, aptitude, etc.
・The business with the highest weight is the promotion of credit projects. Starting with project sourcing through communication with agents such as foreign financial institutions and megabanks, you will be responsible for analysis of the target company and industry, submission of proposals to each meeting body, documentation, execution, and post-execution mid-term monitoring. In each of these phases, you will work as the main person in charge or support the main person in charge while cooperating with related parties inside and outside the group.
・ Proposal sourcing
・ Execution management
・ Monitoring of existing projects
・ Various negotiations with customers, etc.
*There are overseas business trips.
*Working styles can be either at work or at home.

[Department overview]
・The International Finance Office is the RM department and branch of overseas financial corporations and overseas business corporations, and its main business is the promotion of credit projects and account management for customers.
・With regard to business partners, financial corporations include major global financial institutions and banks in Asia and the Middle East.
・In addition to the headquarters and APAC bases (Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.) of each business partner, we communicate with our business partners who have bases in Tokyo at a particularly high frequency. In addition, we have built a network with partners other than business partners (local banks, law firms, and other specialists), and we work closely together.
・By interacting with business partners and external partners on a daily basis, you can gain a first-hand experience of the global financial situation and acquire highly versatile skills in the financial industry, such as cross-border loans, fund settlements, and overseas remittances. . In addition, we are planning to resume overseas business trips for the purpose of strengthening relationships with business partners and external partners, which have been temporarily suspended due to the impact of the corona disaster.
・Regarding credit projects, in addition to plain term loans, recently we are also working on loans using trust schemes and SPCs, etc., and there are opportunities to deepen our expertise in general structuring of non-flow products. In addition, we are actively working on sustainable finance and green loans, which have been active in recent years, and it is possible to accumulate knowledge by coming into contact with first-hand information on global trends in ESG.


職務経験 1年以上
キャリアレベル 中途経験者レベル
英語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
日本語レベル ビジネス会話レベル
最終学歴 大学卒: 学士号
現在のビザ 日本での就労許可が必要です




・University or graduate school graduate or above
・More than 2 years of work experience at a financial institution (2nd new graduates are acceptable)
・Knowledge of corporate finance (level to understand financial statements)
・Basic skills related to MS Office (Word/Excel/Power point)
・Japanese proficiency (level of ability to correctly understand internal regulations and create internal documents without delay)
・English proficiency (level of ability to correctly understand English contracts, exchange emails with overseas people, and conduct business interviews)

・Experience in international business / overseas business at a financial institution
・Experience in corporate sales or risk management at a financial institution
・TOEIC score of 730 or higher

・Those who are passionate and willing to take on new challenges
・Those who can act proactively based on rational thinking
・Those who have a “team spirit” that works together inside and outside the organization to achieve results


full-time employment
*Trial period 3 months



Salary increase: once a year
Bonus: once a year

【Social insurance】
Employment, Workers' Compensation, Health, Welfare Pension
[Transportation fee]
Full payment of commuting expenses
Overtime allowance, housing subsidy, various social insurance, retirement allowance system, various welfare programs, nursing care leave system, childcare leave system, qualification acquisition support system, etc.


[Secondary smoking measures] There are places where indoor smoking is allowed



  • 東京都 23区


雇用形態 正社員
給与 500万円 ~ 1200万円
勤務時間 9:00~17:20
休日・休暇 【休日/休暇】 週休2日制(土曜 日曜 祝日)、有給休暇、年次有給休暇20日
業種 銀行・信託銀行・信用金庫


  • 営業系 > 海外営業
  • 経理・財務・内部監査 > 管理会計・FP&A
  • 営業系 > 法人営業


会社の種類 大手企業 (300名を超える従業員数)