勤務地 | 東京都 23区 |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 1200万円 ~ 1500万円 |
About the Company
We are currently seeking out frontend software engineers to work with an exciting company who are tackling critical issues related to public health and big data.
They are a rapidly growing and well regarded organization with a friendly work environment making cutting edge advancements in big data and health tech.
The health tech application they are building is a rare opportunity for talented developers to utilize and improve upon their own skills.
About you:
-Are you a motivated frontend developer?
-Are you looking for a workplace where you can use the latest technologies?
-Are you a passionate individual who takes pride in what they can accomplish?
If that sounds like you, you might be just the right person for this opportunity.
Why you should apply:
-An exciting opportunity to use your skills in development for worthwhile projects.
-Friendly and collaborative work environment.
-Flex time and remote work hours available.
職務経験 | 3年以上 |
キャリアレベル | 中途経験者レベル |
英語レベル | 無し |
日本語レベル | ビジネス会話レベル |
最終学歴 | 高等学校卒 |
現在のビザ | 日本での就労許可が必要です |
-Experience in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
-Experience with frontend development systems such as React, Vue and Angular.
-Ability to internally communicate in Japanese.
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 1200万円 ~ 1500万円 |