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Job ID : 1529109 Date Updated : March 26th, 2025

Enterprise Application Support Staff / エンタープライズアプリケーションサポート

Hiring Company 沖縄科学技術大学院大学(OIST)
Location Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason
Job Type Contract
Salary Negotiable, based on experience

Work Style

Casual Clothing Side Business Ok

Job Description

OIST IT Division operates various business application systems that support OIST's unique and world-leading research activities.
This position belongs to the Application Support and Operation Team under the Institutional Applications and Helpdesk in IT Division. The primary responsibility is operating and maintaining the business applications in OIST. In this Operation Support Staff role, the successful candidate will carry out various operation and maintenance tasks so that application users can perform their tasks smoothly.
This position will also involve planning, developing, and implementing new business application systems.

From the perspective of the overall optimization of OIST's business applications, the successful candidate will perform the following duties based on an understanding of the structure and relationships of each system.

  1. Provide technical support for user requests via ticket management system, telephone, email, etc
  2. Respond to failures according to their severity and urgency (e.g., detecting failures, determining their causes, and performing the work necessary to restore the system)
  3. Maintain the master data of business applications
  4. Documentation work such as preparation and revision of system operation manuals, dissemination of information to the internal website, and updating of posted articles
  5. Investigate and respond to inquiries from business application users
  6. Manage and coordinate the business application maintenance vendors
  7. Review the existing operational processes and implement improvement measures
  8. Coordinate the stakeholders, analyze and handle various technical issues arising in the system




  1. チケット管理システム、電話、電子メール等によるユーザーからのリクエストに対するテクニカルサポートの提供
  2. 障害の重大性、緊急性に応じた障害対応(障害検知、原因究明、復旧に必要な作業の実施など)
  3. 業務アプリケーションのマスターデータ管理
  4. システム運用マニュアルの作成・改訂、社内Webサイトへの情報発信、投稿記事の更新などのドキュメント作成業務
  5. 業務アプリケーション利用者からの問い合わせ調査および対応
  6. 業務アプリケーション保守ベンダーの管理および調整
  7. 既存業務プロセスの見直し、改善策の実施
  8. 関係者の調整、システムで発生する様々な技術的問題の分析および対応

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English usage about 75%)
Minimum Japanese Level Business Level
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills


  1. A bachelor's degree
  2. Proficient in writing user instructions, manuals, guides, etc. by using Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.)
  3. A strong sense of ownership and initiative, a willingness to learn and apply the latest technology to business applications, and a willingness to tackle new and unprecedented challenges
  4. Strong interpersonal skills to communicate professionally and effectively with people of diverse technical abilities in a multicultural, multilingual environment
  5. Experience in handling ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system
  6. Ability to work with minimal supervision and collaboratively within a team environment
  7. Ability to work on multiple tasks simultaneously based on evolving requirements
  8. Flexibility and adaptability to meet the demands of the role
  9. 3+ years of working experience
  10. Native-level Japanese language skills and Business-level English language skills (TOEIC 700+ or an equivalent)


  1. Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field
  2. In-depth knowledge of Microsoft365 products, especially Power Automate and Power Apps
  3. Working experience in IT or be certified or trained in information science or a related field
  4. Extensive knowledge and excellent understanding of ERP systems, such as human resources and financial systems
  5. Experience in carrying out business reform and improvement activities using systems.
  6. ITIL qualification holder



  1. 学士号を有すること
  2. Microsoft Office(Excel、Word、PowerPoint等)を使用し、取扱説明書、マニュアル、ガイド等の作成に精通していること
  3. 強い当事者意識と主体性、最新の技術を学びビジネスアプリケーションに応用する意欲、前例のない新しい課題に取り組む姿勢
  4. 多文化、多言語環境において、多様な技術能力を持つ人々とプロフェッショナルかつ効果的にコミュニケーションを図ることができる高い対人能力
  5. ERP(統合基幹業務システム)の取り扱い経験
  6. チーム環境において、最小限の監督下で協力的に業務を遂行できる能力
  7. 変化する要件に基づき、同時に複数の業務に取り組む能力
  8. 職務の要求に応える柔軟性と適応力
  9. 3年以上の実務経験
  10. ネイティブレベルの日本語能力およびビジネスレベルの英語能力(TOEIC700点以上または同等レベル)


  1. コンピュータサイエンス、情報技術、または関連分野の学位
  2. Microsoft365製品、特にPower AutomateとPower Appsに関する深い知識
  3. IT業界での実務経験、または情報科学や関連分野の資格やトレーニングを受けていること
  4. 人事・財務システムなどのERPシステムに関する幅広い知識と優れた理解
  5. システムを活用した業務改革・改善活動の実施経験
  6. ITIL資格保有者

Job Location

  • Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason

Work Conditions

Job Type Contract
Salary Negotiable, based on experience
Work Hours 専門業務型裁量労働制により、7時間30分労働したものとみなされます。
Holidays 年次有給休暇、夏季休暇、傷病休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、産休/育休完備、ボランティア休暇など
Industry Education

Job Category

  • IT, Web and Communication > Technical Support
  • IT, Web and Communication > Other (IT, Web and Communication)

Company Details

Company Type Small/Medium Company (300 employees or less)
Non-Japanese Ratio Majority Non-Japanese