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Job ID : 1529096 Date Updated : March 26th, 2025

HR & Tech Operations Associate / 人事 技術オペレーション・アソシエイト

Hiring Company 沖縄科学技術大学院大学
Location Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason
Job Type Contract
Salary 3.5 million yen ~ 7.5 million yen

Work Style

Casual Clothing Side Business Ok Flex Time

Job Description

We are seeking a highly organized, proactive, and tech-savvy individual to join our team in HR Management with a focus on integrating IT and AI solutions. In this role, you will manage various HR operations and contribute to key projects aimed at improving efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction within the organization. Your expertise in IT and AI will be essential in driving innovation and leveraging technology to enhance HR processes.

This role offers the opportunity to make a significant impact on HR operations and contribute to the success of key projects that drive organizational growth and employee engagement. If you are a proactive and driven individual with a passion for HR, project management, and technology, we encourage you to apply.


1. Project Management:

  1. Participate in HR-related projects from initiation to completion.
  2. Assist in developing project plans, timelines, and resource allocation in collaboration with stakeholders.
  3. Coordinate project activities, meetings, and communications to keep all stakeholders informed and engaged.
  4. Evaluate project results and identify opportunities for continuous improvement in HR operations and processes.

2. IT and AI Integration:

  1. Identify opportunities to incorporate IT solutions and AI processing to enhance HR operations and project management.
  2. Collaborate with IT teams to implement and maintain HR technologies and systems.
  3. Analyze HR data using AI tools to provide insights and support data-driven decision-making.
  4. Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in HR technology and AI to propose innovative solutions.

3. HR Operations Management:

  1. Execute day-to-day HR operations, including but not limited to employee onboarding, offboarding, payroll processing, benefits administration, and employee data management (role assignment determined by experience and organizational demand).
  2. Ensure compliance with company policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements related to HR operations.
  3. Handle employee inquiries and provide assistance on HR-related matters.
  4. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to streamline HR processes and improve overall operational efficiency.
  5. Maintain accurate HR records and generate reports as needed for analysis and decision-making.



1.  プロジェクト管理

  1. 人事関連プロジェクトの立ち上げから完了まで参画する
  2. ステークホルダーと協力し、プロジェクト計画、スケジュール、リソース配分の策定を支援する
  3. プロジェクト活動、会議、コミュニケーションを調整し、すべてのステークホルダーへの情報提供と関係を維持する
  4. プロジェクトの結果を評価し、人事業務とプロセスの継続的改善の機会を特定する

2. ITとAIの統合

  1. 人事業務とプロジェクト管理を強化するために、ITソリューションとAI処理を取り入れる機会を特定する
  2. ITチームと協力し、HRテクノロジーやシステムの導入・保守を行う
  3. AIツールを使って人事データを分析し、データ主導の意思決定をサポートする
  4. 革新的なソリューションを提案するため、HRテクノロジーやAIの最新トレンドや進歩に常にアンテナを張る

3. 人事業務管理

  1. 従業員のオンボーディング、オフボーディング、給与処理、福利厚生管理、従業員データ管理など、日常的な人事業務を遂行する(役割分担は経験と組織の要求に応じて決定)
  2. 人事業務に関連する会社の方針、手順、規制要件を確実に遵守する
  3. 従業員からの問い合わせに対応し、人事関連事項に関する支援を提供する
  4. 部門横断的なチームと協力し、人事プロセスを合理化し、全体的な業務効率を向上させる
  5. 正確な人事記録を維持し、分析と意思決定のために必要に応じてレポートを作成する

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English usage about 75%)
Minimum Japanese Level Fluent
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills


  1. 3- 4 years of IT/ tech experience in corporate environment
  2. Background in computer science, information technology, or a related field.
  3. Experience in project management, including developing and executing project plans.
  4. Knowledge and experience in IT systems and AI applications, ideally in an HR context.
  5. Ability to analyze data and generate actionable insights using AI tools.
  6. Excellent organizational and time management skills with the ability to prioritize tasks effectively.
  7. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with attention to detail.
  8. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to collaborate effectively across teams.
  9. Proficiency in MS Office Suite (particularly Excel, Word, and PowerPoint).
  10. Business-level Japanese and English with high communication skills.


  1. Certification in HR (e.g., SHRM, HRCI) or project management (e.g., PMP, PRINCE2).
  2. Experience with HR software (e.g., HRIS, ATS).
  3. Experience in any area of HR related work, or has an strong interest in HR is welcome



  1. 企業での3~4年のIT/技術経験
  2. コンピュータサイエンス、情報技術、または関連分野のバックグラウンド
  3. プロジェクト計画の策定と実行を含む、プロジェクトマネジメントの経験
  4. ITシステムおよびAIアプリケーションの知識と経験(人事分野に関する知識と経験だと尚可)
  5. データを分析し、AIツールを用いて実用的な洞察を生み出す能力
  6. タスクの優先順位を効果的に設定できる、優れた組織・時間管理能力
  7. 細部にまで気を配れる分析力と問題解決能力
  8. 優れたコミュニケーション能力と対人スキルを有し、チーム間で効果的に協力する能力を有する
  9. MS Office Suite(特にExcel、Word、PowerPoint)に精通している
  10. ビジネスレベルの日本語と英語、高いコミュニケーション能力


  1. 人事に関する資格(SHRM、HRCIなど)またはプロジェクトマネジメントに関する資格(PMP、PRINCE2など)
  2. 人事ソフトウェア(HRIS、ATSなど)の使用経験
  3. 人事関連業務の経験者、または人事に強い関心をお持ちの方歓迎

Job Location

  • Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason

Work Conditions

Job Type Contract
Salary 3.5 million yen ~ 7.5 million yen
Work Hours 所定労働時間:9:00 - 17:30  フレックス制(コアタイム10:00-15:00)実働7.5時間×月間労働日数
Holidays 年次有給休暇、夏季休暇、傷病休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、産休/育休完備など
Industry Other (Education)

Job Category

  • Human Resources > Talent Acquisition
  • Human Resources > Other (Human Resources)

Company Details

Company Type Large Company (more than 300 employees)
Non-Japanese Ratio Majority Non-Japanese