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Job ID : 1525283 Date Updated : March 20th, 2025

【東京】プロダクトマネージャー Skip Cart/Product Manager

Hiring Company 株式会社Retail AI
Location Tokyo - 23 Wards, Minato-ku
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 8 million yen ~ 12 million yen

Work Style

Remote Work and WFH Casual Clothing Flex Time

Job Description

SkipCart Overview:

Retail AI is driving the digital transformation (DX) of the retail industry by combining extensive expertise in the distribution sector with cutting-edge IT technology through its SMART STORE TECHNOLOGY.

At the heart of this transformation is SkipCart, a smart shopping cart equipped with an integrated payment system. SkipCart revolutionizes the shopping experience by allowing customers to scan and pay directly on the cart, eliminating the need to wait in checkout lines and significantly enhancing convenience.

SkipCartについて :

長年の流通現場における知見と最新のIT技術を融合させた「SMART STORE TECHNOLOGY」により、Retail AIは流通業界のDX化を推進しています。
その主力製品となるのが、決済機能付きスマートカート「SkipCart」 です。SkipCartは、買い物の常識を変える次世代型のショッピング体験を提供するスマートカートシステムで、カート上でスキャン・決済が可能なため、レジ待ちのストレスがなくなるという大きな利便性を持っています。
Retail AIでは、SkipCartを中心に、データ活用とAI技術を駆使した新たなショッピング体験を創造し、流通業界のDXを加速させる仲間を募集しています!


Role: Skip Cart/Product Manager

The Product Manager will support the leadership of the product organization, communicating closely with external stakeholders. The Product Manager will be responsible for developing and validating overall strategy quantitatively in coordination with retail clients, sales partners and internal stakeholders. The ultimate goal will be to deliver the minimum required product in a strategic manner while managing internal and external stakeholders expectations.




  1. Gather, validate and quantify business requirements from stakeholders in line with
    product strategy metrics and communicate these with the development team.
  2. Interact with Retailers on sight to optimize in-store operation and product quality.
  3. Facilitate smooth communication across the company, between teams, and across languages.
  4. Work in an Agile iterative lifecycle development process, manage stakeholders while
    defending the roadmap.


  1. ステークホルダーからビジネス要件を収集、検証、定量化し、プロダクト戦略の指標に沿って開発チームに伝える。
  2. 小売業者と現場で直接やり取りし、店舗運営の最適化と製品品質の向上を図る。
  3. 会社全体、チーム間、言語間のコミュニケーションを円滑に進める。
  4. アジャイルの反復型開発プロセスで業務を進め、ステークホルダーを管理しながらロードマップを維持・推進する。

About Us:

We are trying to eliminate industry inefficiency with our solutions, by reducing
manual labour through AI/IoT technologies. Our unique and operational driven AI/IoT solutions
enable retailers to bridge the EC - Brick & Mortar gap, by connecting customers with products
with as little friction as possible. We're looking for highly motivated people who seek a fun,
collaborative, and iterative environment. We’re a self-starter culture which thrives in the
ambiguous environment of needing to rethink solutions from the ground up.




Our team is composed of members from over eight different countries, bringing diverse cultural backgrounds together, and we use English as our common language. We also deeply understand the importance of maintaining an open and flexible mindset.

You’ll be wearing multiple hats
● Gathering business requirements from our internal and external stakeholders.
● Defining the strategy and roadmap for our Smart Shopping cart and associated
products within the overall company strategy.
● Coordinating rollouts, processing feedback and maintaining relationships for new and
existing products.




月給66.7万円 〜 100万円




105-0013  東京都港区浜松町1-30-5 浜松町スクエア9階

└東京オフィス:〒105-0013 東京都港区浜松町1-30-5 浜松町スクエア9階


■年次有給休暇 ※入社半年後付与(最大10日)





General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English usage about 50%)
Minimum Japanese Level Business Level
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills


  • 2-5 years of experience in project or product management
  • Experience in developing scalable systems
  • Experience with coordinating with multiple teams and managing stakeholders
  • Passionate about Product Strategy with a relentless focus on driving quantifiable success
  • Proactive mindset with the ability to adapt to uncertain situations
  • Business level Japanese & English skills
  • Bachelor's degree or higher
  • 1.2~5年のプロジェクトまたはプロダクトマネジメント経験
  • 2.スケーラブルなシステムの開発経験
  • 3.複数のチームと連携し、ステークホルダーを管理した経験
  • 4.プロダクト戦略に情熱を持ち、定量的な成功を追求し続ける姿勢
  • 5.自ら率先して行動し、不確実な状況にも対応できる能力
  • 6.ビジネスレベルの日本語と英語スキル
  • 7.大卒以上

Job Location

  • Tokyo - 23 Wards, Minato-ku
  • Yamanote Line, Hamamatsucho Station

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 8 million yen ~ 12 million yen
Work Hours 8:30~17:30(実働8時間) 休憩:60分(11:45~12:45) ※コアタイム10:00~15:00のフレックスタイム
Holidays 120日(会社カレンダー)
Industry Software

Job Category

  • Marketing and Product Development > Brand, Product Management
  • IT, Web and Communication > Project Manager
  • IT, Web and Communication > System Architect

Company Details

Company Type Small/Medium Company (300 employees or less)
Non-Japanese Ratio Majority Japanese