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Job ID : 1525164 Date Updated : March 6th, 2025
三菱ふそうトラック・バス株式会社での募集です。 プロダクトマネージャー・ブラン…

ESG推進担当者/ESG Strategist Product Strategy Staff

Hiring Company 三菱ふそうトラック・バス株式会社
Location Kanagawa Prefecture
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 5 million yen ~ 8.5 million yen

Job Description

【求人No NJB2277287】
■ ミッション

■ 役割

■ 職務内容
1. 環境持続可能性、社会的責任、ガバナンスに関する業界動向、新興技術、ベストプラクティスの最新情報を把握し、組織に新しいアイデアとイノベーションをもたらす
2. 環境、社会、ガバナンスプロジェクトのプロジェクト計画、スケジュール、パフォーマンス指標の策定と実施をサポート
3. 人事、運営、調達、製品開発、コンプライアンスなどの横断的チームと連携し、プロジェクトを期限内かつ範囲内で確実に遂行
4. プロジェクトの進捗管理、文書管理、ステークホルダーおよび経営陣への定期的な報告
5. ESGポリシーと手順の策定と実施を支援
6. ESGイニシアチブの調整と実行において現場部門をサポート
7. ESGダッシュボードとレポートの作成・維持を支援
8. 社内ステークホルダーと協力し、ESGプロジェクトと全体的な事業目標の整合性を確保

・ Your mission
You will be part of the department that shapes the Daimler Truck Asia (DTA) Environment Social and Governance (ESG) strategy and goals aligning them with commitments derived from our Daimler Truck (DT) and DTA Strategy.
This department’s mission is to champion sustainable and responsible business practices across all levels of our organization by integrating environmental social and governance principles into our strategic decision making.
We aim to facilitate a culture of sustainability enhancing our competitive advantage and ensuring our contribution to a sustainable future.

・ Your role
Focused on ESG strategy development and implementation you will be responsible for leading projects and programs that drive environmental sustainability social responsibility and governance across our organization.
In addition you will also be responsible for project management office (PMO) activities related to Environmental initiatives with a particular focus on green products green production and green supply chain from our direct indirect operations.
Social governance initiatives including regulations compliance governance risk management.

・ Your responsibilities
1. Stay up to date on industry trends emerging technologies and best practices related to environmental sustainability social responsibility and governance and drive new ideas and innovations to the organization.
2. Back the development and implementation of project plans schedules and performance metrics for environmental social governance projects.
3. Coordinate with cross functional teams including HR Operations Procurement Product Engineering Compliance etc. to ensure project delivery within scope time.
4. Track project progress maintain project documentation and provide regular updates to stakeholders and top management.
5. Assist in the development and implementation of ESG policies and procedures.
6. Support line functions in the coordination and execution ESG initiatives.
7. Back the development and maintenance of ESG dashboards and reports.
8. Collaborate with internal stakeholders to ensure that ESG projects align with overall business objectives.

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level No experience
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level
Minimum Japanese Level Native
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills

10.・Science based・target・initiatives・(SBTi)、GHGプロトコル、SustainabilityAccounting・Standards・Board・(SASB)、Global・Reporting・Initiative・(GRI)などのESG報告基準と機関に関する知識があれば望ましい・

■・語学力 ・英語:ビジネスレベル ・日本語:ビジネスレベル以上またはネイティブレベル・

・Ideal・Candidate・ ・
The・ideal・candidate・is・passionate・about・driving・positive・environmental ・social ・and・governance・outcomes.・
Previous・experience・in・sustainability ・engineering ・or・project・management・is・required ・with・demonstrated・experience working・on・adding・value・to・cross functional・initiatives・within・a・large・corporation.・

・・ ・Qualifications・ ・・
1.・Bachelor’s・in・a・relevant・field・such・as・Environmental・Science ・Engineering ・Sustainability ・Finance/Risk・Management ・or・Social・Sciences・related・field.・
2.・Minimum・of・4・years・of・experience・in・project・management・or・sustainability related・fields.・
4.・Excellent・communication・and・interpersonal・skills・with・experience・in・leading・cross functional・teams.・ 5.・Entrepreneurial・mindset・that・understands・the・dependencies・and・big・picture・of・our・business・environment.・
6.・Ability・to・work・effectively・in・a・cross functional・and・fast paced・environment.・ 7.・Strong・understanding・of・the・automotive・industry・and・product・knowledge.・
10.・Familiarity・with・ESG・reporting・standards・and・institutions ・such・as・Science based・target・initiatives・(SBTi) ・GHG・protocol ・Sustainability・Accounting・Standards・Board・(SASB) ・or・the・Global・Reporting・Initiative・(GRI)・is・desired.・

・English:・Fluent・ ・Japanese:・Proficient・/・Fluent・・

■・Software・skills・・ Must ・ Proficiency・in・the・Microsoft・Office・suite・(Excel ・Word・ ・PowerPoint).・ Proficiency・in・Project・Management・and・dashboard・tools・such・as・Microsoft・Project ・Power・BI ・or・similar・a・plus.

Job Location

  • Kanagawa Prefecture

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 5 million yen ~ 8.5 million yen
Work Hours 08:00 ~ 17:00
Holidays 【有給休暇】有給休暇は入社時から付与されます 入社7ヶ月目には最低10日以上 【休日】完全週休二日制 1月~6月入社の場合は1…
Industry Automobile and Parts

Job Category

  • Marketing and Product Development > Brand, Product Management

Company Details

Company Type International Company