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Hiring Company | 外資不動産会社 |
Location | Tokyo - 23 Wards |
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | 8 million yen ~ 10 million yen |
【求人No NJB2283296】
Office Management
■Office facility management
■ Receptionist for visitors and incoming phone calls
■ Security management: control office security cards
■ Fire prevention management
■ Membership management
■ Pantry management
■ Postal item management
■ Company seal management and administration
■ Administration process management
Purchasing and Payment
■ Control purchasing process and the annual budget.
■ Complete monthly payment administration for company costs
(rent water supplies etc.)
■ Device management: manage IT account and devices: laptop
PCs and iPhones
■ Purchasing of all the IT devices.
■ Japan Helpdesk: IT contact person in Japan office and report
Global/Japan IT helpdesk and the external support providers
when necessary.
■ Software management: license and user registration management
Corporate Service
■ Company seal and document management
■ License related administration
Minimum Experience Level | No experience |
Career Level | Mid Career |
Minimum English Level | Business Level |
Minimum Japanese Level | Native |
Minimum Education Level | Bachelor's Degree |
Visa Status | Permission to work in Japan required |
Must Haves:
■ BA degree
■3+ years of Office manager experience in a foreign company in Japan.
■ Fire prevention management qualification
■ English reading and writing comprehension
Good to Haves:
■ Business Level English speaking skills
■ Managerial Experience
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | 8 million yen ~ 10 million yen |
Work Hours | 09:00 ~ 18:00 |
Holidays | 【有給休暇】入社7ヶ月目には最低10日以上 【休日】完全週休二日制 土 日 祝日 年末年始 祝日、年末年始、慶弔休暇、傷病休暇… |
Industry | Real Estate Fund |
Company Type | International Company |