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Hiring Company | Rakuten |
Location | Tokyo - 23 Wards |
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | 8 million yen ~ 12 million yen |
【求人No NJB2282217】
The EC Solutions Development Department is planning to launch a new e commerce service and is looking for team members to
build an Android application from scratch. Our development teams are distributed across Japan China and other locations
fostering a global environment focused on high quality application development.
***Japanese skill is not necessary for this position***
Minimum Experience Level | No experience |
Career Level | Mid Career |
Minimum English Level | Business Level |
Minimum Japanese Level | Native |
Minimum Education Level | Bachelor's Degree |
Visa Status | Permission to work in Japan required |
■必須条件 / Required Qualifications
・iOSネイティブアプリ開発(Swift)の実務経験2年以上 / 2+ years of experience in native iOS app development using Swift
・モバイル領域以外でのソフトウェア開発経験4年以上 / 4+ years of professional software development experience outside the mobile domain
・リアクティブプログラミング、IoC(DI)、OAuth、Open ID Connectなどの最新技術に関する知識 / Knowledge of modern best practices: Reactive Programming IoC (DI) OAuth Open ID Connect
・問題解決能力が高く、主体的に行動できる方 / Strong problem solving skills and proactive approach
・高いコミュニケーション能力 / Excellent communication skills
・アジャイル開発の実務経験 / Practical understanding of Agile development
■歓迎条件 / Preferred Qualifications
・iOSおよびiOSネイティブアプリ開発の実務経験5年以上 / 5+ years of experience in iOS and native iOS application development
・UIKit、Autolayout、アニメーションを含むモバイルUIの実装経験 / Experience implementing mobile UI using UIKit Autolayout and animations
・モバイルCI/CDに関する知識や経験 / Interest or experience in mobile CI/CD ・リーダーシップを発揮し、チームを牽引できる方 / Strong leadership skills to motivate and guide team members
・メンターとしてチームの成長を支援した経験 / Experience in mentorship to foster team growth ・UI自動テストの設計経験 / Experience designing UI automated tests
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | 8 million yen ~ 12 million yen |
Work Hours | 09:00 ~ 17:30 |
Holidays | 【有給休暇】■年間有給休暇/annual paid leave 入社月により0~10日 0 10 days dependin… |
Industry | Internet, Web Services |