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Location | Malaysia, クアラルンプール |
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | 3.5 million yen ~ 4.5 million yen |
■ 仕事内容
■ 主な業務内容
1. お問い合わせ対応(電話・メール・チャット)
2. 顧客サポート
3. ハイグレードカスタマー対応
■ このポジションの魅力
・福利厚生が充実:年間ボーナス 2〜3ヶ月分 支給(業績・評価に応じる)
Minimum Experience Level | No experience |
Career Level | Entry Level |
Minimum English Level | Daily Conversation |
Minimum Japanese Level | Native |
Minimum Education Level | High-School |
Visa Status | No permission to work in Japan required |
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | 3.5 million yen ~ 4.5 million yen |
Salary Bonuses | Bonuses paid on top of indicated salary. |
Work Hours | 月~金曜日(9:00-18:00) |
Holidays | 週休2日制 |
Industry | Loan and Mortgage |
Company Type | Large Company (more than 300 employees) - International Company |