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Hiring Company | (株)インディゴジャパンから(株)丸井へ派遣 |
Location | Osaka Prefecture |
Job Type | Temporary |
Salary | Based on hourly rate |
【勤務時間】1日の就業時間は6時間30分 13:15~19:15(休憩30分・実働時間6時間)
【勤務体制】シフト制 月間10日勤務
【 給 与 】時給1,250円 交通費支給
Minimum Experience Level | No experience |
Career Level | Entry Level |
Minimum English Level | Daily Conversation |
Minimum Japanese Level | Business Level |
Other Language | Chinese (Mandarin) - Daily Conversation |
Minimum Education Level | High-School |
Visa Status | Permission to work in Japan required |
・土日祝日、Xマスや年末年始の勤務が可能な方 長期で働ける方
・国籍不問 接客可能な日本語レベル 就労制限のない在留資格を取得できる方
Job Type | Temporary |
Salary | Based on hourly rate |
Hourly Rate | 1,250円 |
Work Hours | 1日の就業時間は6時間30分 13:15~19:15(休憩30分・実働時間6時間) |
Holidays | シフト制 月間10日勤務 |
Industry | Retail |
Company Type | Large Company (more than 300 employees) |
Non-Japanese Ratio | Majority Japanese |