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Location | Kyoto Prefecture |
Job Type | Contract |
Salary | 2.5 million yen ~ 3 million yen |
【主な仕事内容】(Main duties)
Support English lessons and school management for after school child-care operated in English.
● 幼児~小学生対象の英会話レッスン (Support English lesson for infants - elementary school kids.)
・Encourage kids not to study English but enjoy it through playing with English.
● レッスン以外の業務 (Duties outside classroom)
・Bridging the communication between native English instructors and kids' parents.
・Support school management and seasonal events.
・Accompany kids on school bus.
● 1日の流れ (Schedule of a day at school)
・Check schedule, prepare for classes → Kids arrive at school → Conduct lessons → Send-off kids and accompany kids to school bus → Tidy up the classroom
"Learn in English, Play in English"
The company is a new type of afterschool care facility designed to be like a children's second home. The children's interest and curiosity will be developed in the fully immersive English environment.
The company provides an environment for the children to develop their ability to do everything by themselves by "Thinking themselves, deciding themselves and doing it themselves".
Minimum Experience Level | No experience |
Career Level | Entry Level |
Minimum English Level | Business Level |
Minimum Japanese Level | Business Level |
Minimum Education Level | Bachelor's Degree |
Visa Status | No permission to work in Japan required |
【必須条件】(Required qualifications)
・英語ビジネスレベル(Must have business level English)
・日本語ビジネスレベル(Must have business level Japanese / JPLT Level2 or N2)
Job Type | Contract |
Salary | 2.5 million yen ~ 3 million yen |
Work Hours | 9:00~20:30 シフト制、実働8時間 |
Holidays | ※月~土の間で週5日勤務 (Working on 5 days a week, Mon-Sat) |
Industry | Education |
Company Type | Large Company (more than 300 employees) |
Non-Japanese Ratio | Majority Non-Japanese |