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Location | Tokyo - 23 Wards |
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | Negotiable, based on experience |
サイバーセキュリティは、2024年度からアドバイザリとソリューションの2チームを統合し、急成長している新組織です。日本の大手グローバル企業を中心に、サイバーセキュリティにおける様々なコンサルティングサービスやソリューションをご提供しています。今回はアドバイザリチーム (コンサルティング部門) での募集となります。
[Job description]
We expect you to be mainly involved in supporting the formulation of cybersecurity policies and cybersecurity risk assessments, but you will also be involved in other consulting work.
[Project introduction]
We receive various consultations on cybersecurity from major Japanese companies at any time, and the number of such consultations is increasing. We will increase the number of staff to meet these needs.
[Department Overview]
Cybersecurity is a new, rapidly growing organization that will integrate the two teams, Advisory and Solutions, from FY2024. We provide a variety of consulting services and solutions in cybersecurity, mainly to major global companies in Japan. This time, we are recruiting for the Advisory Team (Consulting Division).
Minimum Experience Level | Over 3 years |
Career Level | Mid Career |
Minimum English Level | Daily Conversation |
Minimum Japanese Level | Fluent |
Minimum Education Level | Bachelor's Degree |
Visa Status | Permission to work in Japan required |
・リーダーシップ: 顧客の課題解決に向けて自らビジョン・ゴールを定め共有し、顧客・社内の関連ステークホルダーをナビゲートできる
・専門性: IT 関連のコンサルティング経験もしくは、システムエンジニアやアプリケーションエンジニア、ITアーキテクトなど何らかの技術職の経験。サイバーセキュリティに関する経験があると尚可だが、自分のスキルをサイバーセキュリティの領域で伸ばして行きたいと思っている方
・コミュニケーション力: 顧客・社内の関連ステークホルダーとの良好な関係づくりと適切なコミュニケーション(書面・口頭)ができる
・ダイバーシティ: インクルーシブなマインドセットを持ち、言語・文化・専門性が異なるプロフェッショナルと協働できる
・全職種、社内トレーニングやコーチングを活用してスキルアップできますので、入社時に完全なスキルセットは求めません。各種セキュリティ資格保持者(CISSP, CISA, CISM, SANS等)は歓迎します。
[Desired personality]
・Leadership: Ability to set and share a vision and goal for solving customer problems and navigate customers and related internal stakeholders
・Expertise: Experience in IT-related consulting or some technical job experience such as systems engineer, application engineer, IT architect, etc. Experience in cybersecurity is preferred, but those who want to develop their skills in the field of cybersecurity
・Communication skills: Ability to build good relationships with customers and related internal stakeholders and communicate appropriately (written and verbal)
・Diversity: Ability to have an inclusive mindset and work with professionals of different languages, cultures, and expertise
[Preferred conditions]
・All positions can be improved through in-house training and coaching, so a complete skill set is not required at the time of joining the company. Various security certification holders (CISSP, CISA, CISM, SANS, etc.) are welcome.
・Industry is basically not required. Experience in manufacturing, high-tech, or finance is preferred.
Job Type | Permanent Full-time |
Salary | Negotiable, based on experience |
Industry | IT Consulting |