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Job ID : 1518684 Date Updated : February 4th, 2025

Business Development Administrator/産学連携アドミニストレーター

Hiring Company Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Location Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason
Job Type Contract
Salary 3 million yen ~ 6.5 million yen

Work Style

Casual Clothing Side Business Ok Flex Time

Job Description

We are looking for a proactive individual to provide administrative support for business development activities at OIST Innovation. Junior-level candidates with the drive to grow and learn are encouraged to apply.

This position is funded by the J-PEAKS Grant, which was approved by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).


You will play a key role in supporting OIST Innovation by managing various administrative tasks and helping foster collaborations between researchers, startups, and industry partners. Key responsibilities include:

  1. Supporting relationship-building efforts with external stakeholders such as industry members, government representatives, and innovation ecosystem partners.
  2. Handling administrative tasks related to contract management, external funding, including reporting, compliance with audits, and other requirements.
  3. Providing day-to-day administrative support, such as calendar management, travel arrangements, budget management, procurement of goods and services, expense settlement, and more.
  4. Managing events, including pre-event preparations, on-site operations, and post-event follow-ups in liaison with internal and external stakeholders.
  5. Delivering bilingual (Japanese-English) support for daily operations.
  6. Assisting in communicating OIST Innovation activities through social media, the website, and other media outlets.


OIST Innovationの事業開発セクションの活動を支えるアドミ業務をお任せできる、前向きで自主的に行動できる方を募集しています。成長意欲があり、これからスキルを伸ばしたいと考えている方も大歓迎です。



OIST Innovationの一員として、研究者、スタートアップ、企業パートナーと連携しながら、さまざまな事務作業を通じてコラボレーションを促進していただきます。具体的には以下のような業務があります:

  1. 企業や政府機関、イノベーション関連のパートナーとの関係構築をサポート
  2. 契約管理や外部資金に関連する事務処理(報告書作成、会計検査対応、など)
  3. 日々の業務サポート(スケジュール管理、出張手配、予算管理、物品購入、経費精算など)
  4. イベントの企画・運営サポート(準備、当日の運営、終了後のフォローアップなど)
  5. 日本語・英語の両方で業務をサポート
  6. ソーシャルメディアやウェブサイトを活用して、OISTイノベーションの活動を発信するお手伝い

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 1 year
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English usage about 50%)
Minimum Japanese Level Business Level
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills


  1. Effective organizational and prioritization skills with demonstrated accuracy and attention to detail.
  2. Proficiency in English and Japanese at a business level (both written and spoken).
  3. High degree of initiative and ability to self-start tasks independently.
  4. Proficiency in Microsoft Office tools (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook).
  5. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent practical experience.


  1. Interest in working with startups and technology transfer.
  2. Experience in working with CRM system, including reporting and analysis.
  3. At least 1 year of work experience in a corporate or academic setting.

We value individuals who thrive in tackling new and complex challenges and are eager to contribute to a growing innovation ecosystem.



  1. 細かいところに気を配れる方、優先順位をうまくつけて効率的に作業できる方
  2. 日本語・英語ともにビジネスレベルでやりとりができる方(文書作成や会話含む)
  3. 自主性があり、自分で考えて行動できる方
  4. Microsoft Office(Excel、Word、PowerPoint、Outlook)が使いこなせる方
  5. 学士号または同等の実務経験をお持ちの方


  1. スタートアップや技術移転に興味がある方
  2. CRMを使った分析・報告書作成経験のある方
  3. 企業や大学での実務経験が1年以上ある方


Job Location

  • Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason

Work Conditions

Job Type Contract
Salary 3 million yen ~ 6.5 million yen
Work Hours フレックス制 (コアタイム10:00-15:00)実働7.5時間×月間労働日数
Holidays 年次有給休暇、夏季休暇、傷病休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、産休/育休完備、ボランティア休暇など
Industry Education

Job Category

  • Legal, General Affairs and Public Relations > General Affairs
  • Education > Instructor, Teacher, Coach
  • Customer Service, Secretary and Administration > General Assistant

Company Details

Company Type Large Company (more than 300 employees) - International Company
Non-Japanese Ratio About half Japanese