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Job ID : 1516763 Date Updated : March 13th, 2025

(中国語ネイティブレベル)プロジェクトマネージャー/Project Manager【移住サポートあり】北海道・ニセコ

Hiring Company H2 Group
Location Hokkaido, Abuta-gun Niseko-cho
Job Type Contract
Salary 5 million yen ~ 8 million yen

Job Description


  1. プロジェクトの計画・スケジュール管理
    • プロジェクトの全体計画を作成し、段階的な進行スケジュールを策定。
    • プロジェクトの重要なマイルストーンや締め切りを設定。 
  2. 予算管理
    • プロジェクトの予算を策定し、コスト見積もりや費用配分を管理。
    • 予算超過を防ぐためのコスト管理と調整。
  3. チームと関係者の調整
    • 建築士、設計士、施工業者、クライアントとの連絡・調整役。
    • クライアントの要求や目標を正確に伝え、設計や施工に反映させる。
  4. 品質管理
    • 設計・施工が基準や規則に準拠しているかを確認。
    • 使用される材料や工法が適切であるかを監督。
  5. 進行状況のモニタリングと報告
    • プロジェクトの進行状況を定期的に監視し、クライアントに報告。
    • 問題発生時のリスク管理と対応策の立案。
  6. 許認可手続き
    • 必要な建築許可や届け出を確実に行う。
    • 法律や規制の遵守を確認。
  7. トラブルシューティング
    • 工事中に発生する問題や変更要求に迅速に対応。
    • 納期やコストに影響が出ないように調整。
  8. プロジェクト完成後の引き渡し
    • 完成した建物の検査と確認。
    • クライアントへの引き渡し手続き。


General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level
Minimum Japanese Level Business Level
Other Language Chinese (Mandarin) - Native
Minimum Education Level High-School
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills


  • 関連分野の高等教育資格
  • 同様の役職での実務経験5年以上
  • 優れたコミュニケーションスキル(書面および口頭)
  • ネイティブレベルの中国語、ビジネスレベルの日本語もしくは英語
  • プロジェクトマネジメントの原則を適用する能力
  • ・ゼネコン、設計事務所等で、プロジェクトのマネジメント/施工管理/設計の経験をお持ちの方(概ね3年以上または同等)


  • 年収5,000,000~8,000,000円(経験および資格に応じて)
  • 賞与制度 - 個人業績および業績に応じて支給。
  • 通勤手当10,000円/月。
  • 入社6ヶ月後に年次休暇10日付与。
  • 試用期間3ヶ月経過後、傷病手当5日支給。
  • 社会保険:日本の社会保険制度に加入。
  • 就労ビザサポート(該当者)。
  • 年間休日115~120日(会社カレンダーによる)、産休・育休制度あり。





Job Description

Project management tasks related to architectural projects:

  • Comprehensive management of projects from the client’s perspective (including planning, design, cost, schedule, safety, quality, and procurement).
  • Communication and coordination with project stakeholders (clients, architects, consultants, contractors, etc.).

The project manager's role involves overseeing the project as a whole. In construction projects, this includes acting as a liaison between the client and the design and construction teams to coordinate quality, cost, and schedule to meet the client's standards. As a third-party manager positioned between the client and the contractor, the project manager ensures the optimization of the project as a whole. This globally recognized approach is now a standard method in project management.


Key Responsibilities

  1. Project Planning and Schedule Management
    • Develop a comprehensive project plan and create step-by-step progress schedules.
    • Establish key milestones and deadlines for the project.
  2. Budget Management
    • Prepare the project budget and manage cost estimates and allocations.
    • Control and adjust costs to prevent budget overruns.
  3. Team and Stakeholder Coordination
    • Serve as the primary contact for architects, designers, contractors, and clients.
    • Accurately convey client requirements and objectives to inform design and construction.
  4. Quality Control
    • Ensure that designs and construction comply with standards and regulations.
    • Oversee the appropriateness of materials and construction methods.
  5. Progress Monitoring and Reporting
    • Regularly monitor project progress and provide updates to the client.
    • Identify risks and develop measures to address issues as they arise.
  6. Permits and Approvals
    • Secure necessary building permits and complete required filings.
    • Ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
  7. Troubleshooting
    • Address issues or change requests during construction promptly.
    • Make adjustments to avoid impacts on timelines or costs.
  8. Handover Upon Project Completion
    • Conduct inspections of completed buildings and ensure compliance.
    • Manage the handover process to the client.

The project manager is responsible for overseeing the project from a high level to ensure smooth progress, meeting client expectations, and achieving project success.


  • Higher education qualifications in a related field.
  • At least 5 years of experience in a similar role.
  • Excellent communication skills (both written and verbal).
  • Native or business-level English is required; Japanese proficiency is a plus.
  • Ability to apply project management principles.
  • Experience in project management, construction management, or design within general contractors or architectural firms (around 3+ years or equivalent).

Compensation and Benefits

  • Annual salary: ¥5,000,000–¥8,000,000 (depending on experience and qualifications).
  • Bonus scheme - outcomes based on personal and business performance.
  • Commuting allowance of 10,000 yen monthly.
  • 10 days Annual leave after 6 months of employment.
  • 5 days sick pay after 3 months’ probation period.
  • Social Insurance: full coverage under Japan's social insurance system.
  • Japanese working visa sponsorship, available to certain candidates.
  • Annual holidays: 115-120 days off per year (in accordance with company calendar), maternity/paternity leave.


  • Clients include both foreign and Japanese companies.
  • Projects are managed by teams of 1–3 members per project.
  • A 3-month probationary period applies after joining.
  • Current growing project trends include renovations, villas, condominiums, and land development.

Apply now

If you would like to apply and are excited about joining one of the most successful teams in the area, we encourage you to take the next step. Please send your resume and cover letter to careers@h2group.com or use the button at the top right to apply online. We will review your application and contact you if your skills align with what we’re looking for.

Job Location

  • Hokkaido, Abuta-gun Niseko-cho

Work Conditions

Job Type Contract
Salary 5 million yen ~ 8 million yen
Work Hours 週5日、1週間40時間
Holidays 年間休日118日、年次有給休暇、病気休暇、産休・育休など
Job Division プロジェクトマネージャーチーム
Industry Real Estate Brokerage, Management

Job Category

  • Real Estate > Property Management

Company Details

Company Type Small/Medium Company (300 employees or less) - International Company
Non-Japanese Ratio About half Japanese