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Job ID : 1513935 Date Updated : March 12th, 2025

Chemical Safety Specialist / 化学物質安全スペシャリスト

Hiring Company 沖縄科学技術大学院大学
Location Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason
Job Type Contract
Salary 4.5 million yen ~ 8.5 million yen

Work Style

Casual Clothing Side Business Ok Flex Time

Job Description

To ensure that all research and occupational health and safety initiatives at the University meet or exceed the standards of safety-related laws, and to minimize health and safety risks to the University as a whole. The Occupational Health and Safety Section provides education and training, operates committee reviews, prepares and supports notification documents to regulatory authorities, prepare manuals and guidelines, patrols, and investigates incidents.
Scope includes wide range of areas, including chemical substances, laboratory waste, biosafety, radiation, field work, and occupational safety and health. We also provide support for ethical review related to human subjects research.

This position, as Chemical Safety Specialist will provide guidance, advice, and conduct inspections related to the use and management of chemical materials and the management laboratory waste, etc.
In addition, have an important role in promoting safety and legal compliance in a wide range of research activities at the University while being involved in other health and safety tasks.


  1. Provide guidance, advice, and inspections related to the use and management of chemical materials, and manage the chemical management system so that all research activities at the University comply with various laws and internal regulations pertaining to chemical safety.
  2. Develop and implement chemical safety programs, policies, and procedures in collaboration with university researchers and groups.
  3. Provide guidance and management to ensure compliance with laws, regulations, and guidelines related to experimental wastes.
  4. Maintain and disseminate regulations, manuals, guidelines, training materials, etc.
  5. Liaison and coordination with government agencies and support for the preparation of authorization documents.
  6. Provide support for laboratory-related incident response (including after-hours).
  7. Develop and maintain laboratory-related incident response plans, such as chemical spills, gas leak, etc.
  8. Provide support for other operations conducted by the Occupational Health and Safety Section.





  1. 化学物質安全に係る各種法令や学内規程を遵守するため、化学物質の使用及び管理に関する指導、助言、点検及び 化学物質管理システムの管理を行う。
  2. 大学の研究者および関連部署と連携し、化学物質の安全に関するプログラム、ポリシー、手順書を策定し、実施する。
  3. 実験廃棄物に関する各種法令及びガイドラインが遵守されるよう指導・管理を行う。
  4. 規程・マニュアル・ガイドライン・トレーニング教材等の維持管理及び周知を行う。
  5. 官公庁との連絡・調整及び許認可文書の作成支援を行う。
  6. 実験室関連の事故対応の支援を行う(時間外を含む)。
  7. 化学物質漏洩やガス漏れなどの実験室関連の事故対応計画を策定および整備する。
  8. その他、安全衛生セクションが実施する業務支援を行う。

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English usage about 75%)
Minimum Japanese Level Business Level
Minimum Education Level Post Grad Degree (PHD/MBA etc)
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills


  1. Experience in management of chemical substances
  2. Graduate of a technical college or university (in a field related to chemistry)
  3. Japanese at a business level and the ability to hold daily conversations in English
  4. Willingness to acquire qualifications required for the tasks.
  5. Able to work flexibly and communicate well with other staff members.


  1. Working Environment Measurement Specialist, Certified with Hazardous Materials Engineer, Specially Controlled Industrial Waste Manager, etc.
  2. Experience in scientific research or working at a university or government agency.
  3. Experience in developing or improving administrative policies, procedures, practices, or programs.
  4. Ability to take initiative with good skills in identifying problems and solving them.



  1. 化学物質管理の経験があること
  2. 高専・大卒以上(化学に関連のある分野)
  3. 日本語はビジネスレベル、英語で日常会話ができること
  4. 方針、手続き、実務、またはプログラムの策定や改善に関する経験。
  5. 各種業務に柔軟に対応でき、周囲の職員とコミュニケーションを取りながら業務に取り組めること


  1. 作業環境測定士、甲種危険物取扱者、特別管理産業廃棄物管理責任者等の有資格者
  2. 科学研究又は大学・行政機関での勤務経験を有することがあること
  3. 管理方針、手順、実務、またはプログラムの開発、または改善の経験があること
  4. 率先した行動を取ることができること、問題発見・解決能力が高いこと

Job Location

  • Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason

Work Conditions

Job Type Contract
Salary 4.5 million yen ~ 8.5 million yen
Work Hours 所定労働時間:9:00 - 17:30  フレックス制(コアタイム10:00-15:00)実働7.5時間×月間労働日数
Holidays 年次有給休暇、夏季休暇、傷病休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、産休/育休完備など
Job Division Occupational Health and Safety Section/安全衛生セクション
Industry Other (Education)

Job Category

  • Legal, General Affairs and Public Relations > General Affairs
  • Education > Instructor, Teacher, Coach

Company Details

Company Type Large Company (more than 300 employees)
Non-Japanese Ratio Majority Non-Japanese