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Job ID : 1510830 Date Updated : February 28th, 2025

Administrative Staff / アドミニストレイティブスタッフ(Core Facilities)

Hiring Company 沖縄科学技術大学院大学
Location Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason
Job Type Contract
Salary 3.5 million yen ~ 6.5 million yen

Work Style

Casual Clothing Side Business Ok Flex Time

Job Description

The OIST Core Facilities contribute to research and education by providing excellent common research facilities and research support services for researchers and students at OIST. OIST Core Facilities has 9 technical support sections (Animal Resources, Instrumental Analysis, Scientific Imaging, Sequencing, Marine Science, Engineering, Environmental Science & Informatics, Scientific Computing & Data Analysis, Basic Lab Support). Researchers and scientists at OIST can utilize these facilities to access state-of-the-art equipment, receive training, collaborate with experts, and receive support for their experiments and research projects.

Core Facilities Administrative Staff is responsible for various duties ranging from daily purchases to event planning support and guest invitations. This position (administrative staff for the Core Facilities) is in a centralized administrative office for the Core Facilities and is expected to support the Director of Core Facilities and Core Facilities members so that each Core Facilities Section can commit and focus on supporting researchers. The successful candidate will be required to communicate with people inside and outside the section actively.

What experience you can gain through this position:

  • Knowledge of financial rules and legal compliance through administrative support such as purchasing, maintenance, inspection, and fixed asset management since the institute owns a large number of cutting-edge equipment and facilities
  • The extensive network in OIST and skills as an administrative staff through experience in a wide range of work since there are many interactions with Core Facilities Section members, research units and other departments
  • Working experience in international setting


  1. Operate the ERP system to arrange purchase orders, business trips, reimbursements for Core Facilities members
  2. Support purchase & procurement of research equipment and related contracts as requested by the Core Facilities sections
  3. Polite communication with vendors and manufacturers on scheduling of equipment maintenance inspection, repair, etc.
  4. Accurate administrative support related to OIST Core Facilities Equipment External Usage, including email exchanges with External users
  5. Support to analyze and manage Core Facilities budgets
  6. Build up a DX system with other Core Facilities Administration Section members to streamline and simplify routine tasks such as daily purchases
  7. Proper document management related to budget execution, equipment maintenance, safety, etc.
  8. DMS Kessai preparation and support
  9. Administrative work related to events and symposia organized by the Core Facilities (logistics arrangement and reimbursement for Guest travelers, conference room reservation, etc.)
  10. Edit Core Facilities section website
  11. Support annual fixed asset inspection for Core Facilities sections
  12. Other administrative support for the section requested by the Core Facilities director and members

OISTコアファシリティは、OIST の研究者及び学生のために優れた共通研究施設及び研究支援サービスを提供することにより、研究及び教育に貢献しています。



  • 最先端の機器や設備を多数所有しているため、調達・保守点検や固定資産管理等の事務サポートを通じて、財務ルールや法令遵守に関する知識の習得
  • 研究ユニットや他部署との交流が多いため、幅広い業務を経験することにより、OIST内の幅広いネットワーク構築やアドミニストレイティブスタッフとしてのスキルアップ
  • 国際的な環境での勤務経験


  1. ERPシステムを操作し、コアファシリティメンバーから依頼された発注対応、出張手配、経費精算等
  2. 各セクションに必要な研究機器の購入・調達や各種契約締結のための事務サポート
  3. 各セクションが所有する機器の保守点検、修理手配等のためのベンダーやメーカーとのEメールや電話等での礼儀正しいコミュニケーション
  4. OISTコアファシリティ管理機器の学外利用者に係るEメールでのコミュニケーションをはじめとした事務サポート全般
  5. コアファシリティの予算分析・管理のサポート
  6. CFAセクションメンバーと協働し、コアファシリティ内で日々発生する発注等の定型業務の効率化・簡素化に向けたDXの仕組み構築
  7. 書類 (予算執行、研究機器のメンテナンス、セーフティ等)の適切な保管
  8. 学内での電子決裁起案およびサポート
  9. コアファシリティ主催のイベントやシンポジウム運営に係る事務業務(招へい者のロジスティクス手配および精算対応、イベント当日の会場予約、他)
  10. コアファシリティのウェブサイト編集
  11. コアファシリティ各セクションで管理している固定資産の年次点検 (実査)のサポート
  12. その他、コアファシリティディレクター及びメンバーから依頼された業務の対応

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English usage about 75%)
Minimum Japanese Level Native
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills


  1. Basic IT skills and knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint)
  2. Native level Japanese and business level English (TOEIC score 800 or higher)
  3. Excellent communication skills, including writing formal, polite emails in both Japanese and English to internal as well as external people of OIST
  4. Ability to use ERP (accounting system) to input accurate information and analyze budget status
  5. Accurate job prioritization and completion of assigned tasks with a sense of responsibility
  6. A person who can actively give ideas and concrete shape to non-routine and newly created tasks
  7. A highly empathetic team player, who can give a hand whenever Core Facilities members need assistance
  8. Ability to adapt to local culture and rapidly changing work environment


  1. Work experience in Japanese universities or institutes and/or international settings



  1. 基本的なITスキルとMicrosoft 365(ワード、エクセル、パワーポイント、シェアポイント)の知識
  2. ネイティブレベルの日本語力、ビジネスレベルの英語力(TOEIC 800点以上)
  3. 優れたコミュニケーション能力 (特にOIST内外の相手に対し、日本語および英語でのフォーマルかつ礼儀正しいEメールのやり取りができること)
  4. ERP(会計システム)を使用し、正確な情報の入力や予算の分析ができること
  5. 正しく仕事の優先順位をつけることができ、責任感を持って割り当てられたタスクを遂行できる方
  6. 非定型業務や新しい課題に対して、自らアイデアを出し、実行に移せる積極性をお持ちの方
  7. 共感力が高く、チーム一丸となって協働できる素直さをもち、困っているメンバーがいたら手を差し伸べることができる方
  8. 沖縄の文化や早いスピードで変化していく職場環境に順応できる方


  1. 日本の大学や研究機関、または国際的な場での実務経験を持っている方

Job Location

  • Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami-gun Onnason

Work Conditions

Job Type Contract
Salary 3.5 million yen ~ 6.5 million yen
Work Hours 所定労働時間:9:00 - 17:30  フレックス制(コアタイム10:00-15:00)実働7.5時間×月間労働日数
Holidays 年次有給休暇、夏季休暇、傷病休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、産休/育休完備など
Industry Other (Education)

Job Category

  • Customer Service, Secretary and Administration > General Assistant
  • Education > Instructor, Teacher, Coach

Company Details

Company Type Large Company (more than 300 employees)
Non-Japanese Ratio Majority Non-Japanese