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Job ID : 1484531 Date Updated : October 16th, 2024


Hiring Company Nihon Pall Ltd.
Location Tokyo - 23 Wards, Shinjuku-ku
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 4 million yen ~ 5.5 million yen

Job Description

◎ 水やジュース、乳製品、ビールやワイン等、身近な製品の製造に関わるF&B事業部。飲食業界の経験は不問
◎ 化学、飲食関連、製薬、バイオテック、または関連する業界での顧客のテクニカルサポート経験を活かせる
◎ 多様性があり、お互いにサポートしあえるグローバルチームの一員として日本と韓国の顧客をサポート

Technical Support Representative is responsible for providing cutting-edge technical support to our customers. Will play a crucial role in understanding their technical requirements, assisting them with filter sizing, optimization, and providing solutions to enhance their process. Will enable our customers to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their methods.

This position is part of the Food and Beverage Technical Support Team (SLS) and will be located in Japan. Provide unbiased technical support to our Customers and Sales Team in Japan and Korea.

In this role, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Process and respond to technical requests from customers, providing accurate and timely solutions and recommendations.
  • Select and size filters based on technical requirements, considering various factors to ensure optimal performance.
  • Assist in the elaboration of quotation texts and preparation of offers.
  • Direct inquiries and assign work to subcontractors as needed, ensuring efficient and timely completion of tasks.
  • Involvement in training sessions and workshops for customers and internal teams to enhance their understanding of technical processes, filter sizing techniques, and optimization strategies.

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 1 year
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level
Minimum Japanese Level Fluent
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills

The essential requirements of the job include:

  • Master's or bachelor’s degree in engineering, Technical Sciences, or a related field.
  • Strong technical background with customer-facing technical experience.
  • Proficiency in utilizing software tools (Microsoft, SAP, Sales-Force) and systems relevant to technical support.
  • Proficiency in English and Japanese for seamless communication with clients and Team members.
  • Readiness to travel.

It would be a plus if you also possess previous experience in:

  • Customer-facing experience and working in an international environment.


採用企業: 日本ポール株式会社
雇用形態: 正社員  試用期間: あり(3ヶ月間) 定年制度: あり(60歳) 定年再雇用制度: あり

勤務地: 東京、もしくは茨城県(ご希望により応相談)
 本社:新宿区西新宿6-5-1 新宿アイランドタワー(最寄駅: 新宿駅、西新宿駅、新宿西口駅、西武新宿駅)

就業時間: 9:00~17:00(所定労働時間 7時間)  時間外勤務:あり
休日休暇: 完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日、年末年始休暇(12月29 日~1月4日)
特別休暇: リフレッシュ休暇、生理休暇、結婚休暇、出産休暇、育児休暇、介護休暇、忌引き休暇
社会保険: 完備(健康保険 厚生年金 雇用保険 労災保険)
通勤手当: 支給(委細は就業規則の定めによる)
受動喫煙対策: 建物内禁煙。敷地内に喫煙所あり

◎年間使える連続5日間のリフレッシュ休暇制度 ※取得率99% ※有給休暇とは別に取得
◎福利厚生サービス ベネフィットワン利用可能(https://bs.benefit-one.co.jp)



◎想定年収 400万円~530万円

 内訳:固定年俸 416万円、業績賞与 42万円、残業手当 54万円
 ※月収 30.5万円(月額本給 26万円+残業手当 4.5万円)

◎固定年俸 400万円~430万円
(月額本給 250,000円~268,750円、固定賞与年額 1,000,000円~1,075,000円)



Job Location

  • Tokyo - 23 Wards, Shinjuku-ku
  • Yamanote Line, Shinjuku Station

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 4 million yen ~ 5.5 million yen
Work Hours 9:00~17:00(所定労働時間 7時間)
Holidays 完全週休2日制(土・日)、祝日
Job Division Food and Beverage Technical Support Team
Industry Chemical, Raw Materials

Job Category

  • Chemical, Food and Materials Technology > Support Engineer (Chemical, Food, Textile, Other Materials)
  • Medical, Pharmaceutical and Healthcare > Support Engineer (Medical)

Company Details

Company Type International Company