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Job ID : 1477342 Date Updated : July 4th, 2024
日産自動車株式会社での募集です。 商品企画・開発(マーケティング)のご経験のあ…

【900~1060万円】グローバルプロダクトマーケティング(一般層 課長代理職)/ Global Product Market…

Hiring Company 日産自動車株式会社
Location Kanagawa Prefecture
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 9 million yen ~ 10 million yen

Job Description

【求人No NJB2226710】
<職務内容/Main Tasks>
部署のミッション:カスタマーベネフィットを一番に考え、ブランド価値を向上することで、売り上げ・M S経費を最適化すること。

日産車の国内・国外向け商品マーケティング 業務を担っていただきます。

Mission: Put the customer benefit first optimize net revenue and M S expenses by maximizing brand value

Product Marketing for Nissan models globally
Maximize revenue and profit through price positioning strategy optimization of Lifecycle plan
Include Marketing Sales perspective toward new model development phase
Show the direction of the global Nissan brand and lead the region counterparts who is responsible for developing the marketing strategy and implementation
Clarify issues within the Marketing and Sales area of each product and report the status with improvement proposals

<アピールポイント(職務の魅力)/Selling point of this position>

From product planning phase to price setting toward launch this role makes it possible to be in charge of each vehicle marketing throughout the lifecycle
How to develop the brand of each vehicle from a global and also short/long term perspective through the development of each marketing strategy affects the Nissan model brand in the future and it involves multiple parties such as dealers and sales companies (domestic/overseas). It is very challenging yet very fulfilling at the same time.

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level No experience
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level
Minimum Japanese Level Native
Minimum Education Level Bachelor's Degree
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills

■MUST ・商品企画、商品戦略などのマーケティング&セールス領域の基礎知識 ・英語でのコミュニケーションスキル、業務遂行に対する責任感、新しい事柄を積極的に学ぼうとする姿勢、論理的な思考 ・マネジメント経験+英語でのプレゼンテーションスキル ・通常業務およびマネジメントの両立をお任せできる方を求めています。 ※ご応募希望の方は英文レジュメの提出をお願いいたします。 Communication skill (English) responsibility to move the project forward learning mindset logical thinking Basic understanding of Marketing Sales(Product Marketing Product Planning etc) ■WANT ・プロジェクトマネジメントの業務経験 ・ファイナンスの基礎知識 ・上司からの指示を待たず、自分で業務を積極的に進める姿勢 ・チームマネジメントの経験 ・自動車業界経験:あれば尚可/Experience of the car industry:preferred Project management experience Basic understanding of Finance Proactive mindset not to wait for the instruction from the upper management Team management experience TOEIC:860 <求める人物像/Please describe successful candidate image (Personality)> 何事にも前向きで、チームと歩調を合わせられる柔軟性を持つ Forward looking and possess the flexibility to work within the team

Job Location

  • Kanagawa Prefecture

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 9 million yen ~ 10 million yen
Work Hours 08:30 ~ 17:30
Holidays 【有給休暇】初年度 17日 1か月目から 【休日】週休二日制 年末年始 (※当社カレンダーによる、月5~8日)、夏季休暇(9日…
Industry Automobile and Parts

Job Category

  • Marketing and Product Development > Product Planning and Development