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Job ID : 1453439 Date Updated : October 8th, 2024

【グローバルAI企業】デジタルマーケティング (広報、販促業務サポート含む)/Digital marketing

Location Tokyo - 23 Wards, Shibuya-ku
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 6 million yen ~ 8 million yen

Work Style

Remote Work and WFH Flex Time

Job Description


  • 弊社の更なるグロースに向けた広報/マーケティング活動の推進
    • 複数の広報・マーケティングプログラムの企画、実施
  • MAツール(HubSpot、SendGridなど)を活用した、デジタルマーケティングに関するPM・実行のリード
  • 自社HPの運用及び、プロモーションコンテンツの作成・管理・リリース等



We are entrusted with public relations and promotional activities to increase awareness of our company and products on a global scale, to acquire leads from customers who need our product line, and to work with management to develop and execute corporate branding and promotional strategies based on our mission/vision and business goals. We will also work with management to develop and execute corporate branding and promotional strategies based on our Mission/Vision and business goals.

  • Drive public relations/marketing activities for further growth of the company
    • Plan and execute multiple PR and marketing programs
  • Lead PM and execution of digital marketing activities using MA tools (HubSpot, SendGrid, etc.)
  • Operation of the company's website and creation, management, and release of promotional content
  • Planning, production and management of promotional content

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Business Level (Amount Used: English usage about 50%)
Minimum Japanese Level Native
Minimum Education Level Technical/Vocational College
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills

What you will need/必須スキル

  • マーケティングオートメーション施策の立案・実行・分析、分析結果に基づいた改善提案のご経験 
  • PMのご経験、プロジェクトをリードしたご経験
  • MAツールやコミュニケーションツール使用経験
    • (GoogleWorkSpace, Notion,GitHub,HubSpot等)
  • ビジネスレベルの日本語と英語(TOEIC600点以上程度が望ましい)
  • 学士号または同等の実務経験を有する方
  • Experience in planning, executing and analyzing marketing automation initiatives and proposing improvements based on analysis results 
  • Experience as a PM or project lead
  • Experience using MA tools and communication tools
    • (GoogleWorkSpace, Notion, GitHub, HubSpot, etc.)
    • Experience communicating with stakeholders in multiple fields and building consensus with stakeholders while executing tasks 
  • Business level Japanese and English (TOEIC score of 600 or above is preferred)
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience

Additional qualifications that are nice to have /歓迎スキル

  • AIやITテクノロジーやスタートアップ企業における就業経験
  • CRMツールやMAツール等のシステム導入のプロジェクトマネジメントのご経験
    • その他、以下のいずれかに1つに該当する場合は歓迎致します
  • プレスリリースの作成・配信経験・ウェビナー・イベントの企画・運営経験
  • Google Analytics等のアクセス解析ツールを用いたオンライン関連数値分析
  • Google Analyticsや社内分析ツールを用いたオンライン関連数値分析
  • Work experience in a technology/StartUp company
  • Experience in writing and distributing press releases, planning and organizing webinars and events
  • Experience in business level English to broadcast overseas
  • Experience with overseas expansion projects in a Tech-driven company
  • Experience in analyzing the market and user insights, developing PR and marketing strategies, and planning and executing them by involving relevant parties 
  • Online related numerical analysis using Google Analytics and internal analysis tools


  • 「Deep Learning」技術に強い関心がある方
  • 新しい技術を学び、ご自身の経験と結びつけ活かすことができる方
  • 全社的な視点を持ち、経営陣や事業責任者と目線を合わせた対話ができる方
  • プロジェクトまたは重要な定常業務を、自律的かつ計画的に遂行し、リードを行うことができる
  • チームプレーを重視し、相手に敬意を払ったコミュニケーションをとることができる方
  • Have a strong interest in "Deep Learning" technology
  • Able to learn new technologies and apply them to your own experience
  • Able to interact with executives and business managers with a company-wide perspective
  • Able to work autonomously and systematically on and lead projects or significant routine tasks
  • Strong team player and able to communicate with others in a respectful manner

Job Location

  • Tokyo - 23 Wards, Shibuya-ku
  • Yamanote Line, Shibuya Station

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 6 million yen ~ 8 million yen
Work Hours コアタイム無しのフレックスタイム制 1日の標準労働時間は8時間 ※所定労働時間外労働 有
Holidays 完全週休2日制(土・日・祝)、夏期休暇、冬期休暇、有給休暇、育児休暇、リフレッシュ休暇、特別休暇、慶弔休暇、年休124日
Industry Software

Job Category

  • Marketing and Product Development > Web, Digital Marketing
  • Marketing and Product Development > Sales Promotion, Marketing Planning
  • Marketing and Product Development > Marketing Planning, Web Planning

Company Details

Company Type Small/Medium Company (300 employees or less)
Non-Japanese Ratio Majority Japanese