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Job ID : 1393313 Date Updated : October 25th, 2024


Hiring Company Post Lintel Co., Ltd
Location Tokyo - 23 Wards, Minato-ku
Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 6 million yen ~ Negotiable, based on experience

Work Style

Remote Work and WFH Casual Clothing Side Business Ok Minimal Overtime Flex Time

Job Description


We are actively hiring even during the COVID-19 outbreak and are taking safety precautions. All interviews will be conducted via Zoom at this time.

Post Lintel is a full-service real estate company based in Tokyo. We are a multi-national team dealing with cross-border transactions utilizing new ideas and technology to make a significant impact to the industry.
We are undergoing an expansion and looking for entrepreneurial, energetic, and result driven individuals with real estate experience in asset management, property management, brokerage and project management. Highly motivated individuals who are passionate about growth and opportunity are very welcomed.




年収1,500-2,500万円 未経験からでも実現可能です。

スタートアップ、ベンチャーの立ち上げに興味のある方、勤務地はアークヒルズサウスタワー 六本木一丁目駅直結、海外の投資家たちへ営業する環境がございます。

General Requirements

Minimum Experience Level Over 3 years
Career Level Mid Career
Minimum English Level Daily Conversation (Amount Used: English usage about 50%)
Minimum Japanese Level Business Level
Other Language Chinese (Mandarin) - Business Level
Minimum Education Level High-School
Visa Status Permission to work in Japan required

Required Skills

【応募条件】高校卒以上 / 不動産業界経験者優遇 *人種、国籍、性別、年齢不問


  • 英語:ネイティブ×日本語:日常会話レベル
  • 英語:日常会話レベル×日本語:ネイティブレベル
  • 中国語:ネイティブ×日本語:ネイティブレベル 


  • 想定年収:600万円 ~ 
  • インセンティブあり
  • 昇給:年1回(3⽉)


  • 完全週休2⽇制(⼟・⽇・祝日休み)
  • 祝⽇
  • 年末年始(5⽇)
  • 夏季休暇(5⽇)
  • GW
  • 有給休暇
  • 慶弔休暇
  • 特別休暇
  • 永年勤続休暇


  • 通勤⼿当(上限⽉2万500円)
  • 社会保険完備(雇⽤、労災、健康、厚⽣年⾦)
  • 時間外⼿当(みなし残業時間を超過した場合に⽀給)
  • 社宅手当あり(2.5~3万円/月補助あり)
  • 資格⼿当あり(例:宅建士 3万円/月)
  • オフィス内禁煙
  • 私服勤務可
  • 書籍購⼊(5000円/⽉)
  • VISA申請、更新費用会社負担
  • 社内日本語研修あり

Job Location

  • Tokyo - 23 Wards, Minato-ku
  • Nanboku Line, Roppongi Itchome Station

Work Conditions

Job Type Permanent Full-time
Salary 6 million yen ~ Negotiable, based on experience
Salary Bonuses Bonuses paid on top of indicated salary.
Salary Commission Commission paid on top of indicated salary.
Work Hours 9:30 ~ 18:30 ※在宅勤務推奨中  毎週月曜日の定例会議日以外は出社義務なし
Holidays 土・日・祝日 年間休日128日(2021年度実績)
Job Division the Capital Market dept
Industry Other (Real Estate, Construction)

Job Category

  • Real Estate > Real Estate Planner, Buyer, Developer
  • Real Estate > Property Management
  • Real Estate > Other (Real Estate)
  • Banking and Financial Services > Other (Banking and Financial Services)
  • Sales > B2B Sales

Company Details

Company Type Small/Medium Company (300 employees or less)
Non-Japanese Ratio About half Japanese